Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/05/2023 - Council (Item 11)



11.1     The Leader thanked Councillors for their continued trust and support, and the Council’s officers for all of their work over the last four years.


11.2     Cllr Follows noted that since he had been elected in 2017 there had been a number of people from multiple parties that he had counted on for support, and guidance and friendship and who were all fundamental to continuation of the alliance.


11.3     The Leader announced his new Executive: Liberal Democrats Cllrs Mark Merryweather, Liz Townsend, Paul Rivers and Victoria Kiehl; Cllr Steve Williams of the Green Group; Cllr Nick Palmer of the Labour Party; and Cllr Kika Mirylees, Tony Fairclough, and Peter Clark of the Farnham Residents.


11.4     Cllr Peter Clark would also serve as Deputy Leader.


11.5     Revised Executive Portfolios would be circulated shortly.