Issue - meetings

Welcome and Introductions

Meeting: 01/11/2023 - Guildford & Waverley Joint Governance Committee (Item 20)

Welcome and Introductions


Councillor Follows advised that this was the adjourned meeting from 9 October 2023.  He advised that the meeting was taking place at Waverley, as there was a planning inquiry taking place at Guildford, therefore Guildford were unable to host the meeting.  Councillor Follows was nominated as the chairman for the meeting and no objections were noted.


Cllr Follows welcomed Members and Officers to the meeting and invited those present to introduce themselves.

Meeting: 09/12/2022 - Guildford & Waverley Joint Governance Committee (Item 1)

Welcome and Introductions


In accordance with the Terms of Reference of the Joint Governance Committee, this first meeting of the committee was held at the Guildford Borough Council offices and chaired by the Leader of Guildford Borough Council, Cllr Julia McShane.


Cllr McShane welcomed Members and Officers to the meeting and invited those present to introduce themselves.