Issue - meetings

Addendum to Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme

Meeting: 29/11/2022 - Executive (Item 59)

59 Addendum to Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme pdf icon PDF 223 KB

In February 2022 the government announced a package of support known as the Energy Rebate to help households with rising energy bills. The scheme includes a £150 rebate to all properties in council tax band A-D with criteria set by the government (the main scheme). The announcement includes a discretionary fund to support other financially vulnerable energy bill payers not covered under the main scheme, or to provide carefully ‘top-up’ payments to the most vulnerable households. The Executive approved the local discretionary scheme on 7th June.


Under the current eligibility criteria of the local Discretionary Scheme only 47% of the £216,000 available funding been paid out so far.  Any unspent funding by 30 November 2022 will be required to be repaid back to government. This reports sets out an addendum to the Waverley Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme to enable the remaining £114,600 funding to be passed on to households.




It is recommended that the Executive approve an addendum to the Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme under the eligibility criteria as follows:


The fund can also be used to give an award to any pensioners who are in receipt of Council Tax Support without the need for an application process.  This will result in 2,000 awards of £55, to each pensioner.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that an addendum to the Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme under the eligibility criteria be approved as follows:


The fund can also be used to give an award to any pensioners who are in receipt of Council Tax Support without the need for an application process.  This will result in 2,000 awards of £55, to each pensioner.



Waverley has been allocated discretionary funding of £216,600 to support those suffering financial hardship as a result of the rising energy cost. In the event of an overspend, no additional funding will be provided from government. Therefore, the discretionary scheme criteria was set to support the most vulnerable that has not had a payment from the main scheme. The remaining funding can now be targeted to pensioners as a small topup without the need for an application process. 


The scheme is widely published and available on the Waverley website. It is promoted by officers from Council Tax, Benefits, Housing, Communication and by local charities and councillors.


[This decision was taken under urgency procedures and is therefore not subject to call-in]


Councillor Merryweather, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Assets presented the report which set out a proposal to amend the Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme which would release £114,600 to be passed on to vulnerable households, which would otherwise have to be returned to the Government.


Councillor Hyman spoke on this item expressing concern over giving away public money.  In response, the Leader welcomed the opportunity to redistribute money on behalf of the Government.  Councillor Palmer welcomed the opportunity to help vulnerable residents.  Councillor Merryweather welcomed the proposals.


RESOLVED that an addendum to the Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme under the eligibility criteria be approved as follows:


The fund can also be used to give an award to any pensioners who are in receipt of Council Tax Support without the need for an application process.  This will result in 2,000 awards of £55, to each pensioner.



Waverley has been allocated discretionary funding of £216,600 to support those suffering financial hardship as a result of the rising energy cost. In the event of an overspend, no additional funding will be provided from government. Therefore, the discretionary scheme criteria was set to support the most vulnerable that has not had a payment from the main scheme. The remaining funding can now be targeted to pensioners as a small topup without the need for an application process. 


The scheme is widely published and available on the Waverley website. It is promoted by officers from Council Tax, Benefits, Housing, Communication and by local charities and councillors.