Issue - meetings

General Fund mid-year MTFP review 2023/24

Meeting: 14/11/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Resources (Item 52)

52 General Fund Mid-Year MTFP Review 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 548 KB

Committee to note the following and resolve to make any recommendations to the Executive:


·        The 2023/24 forecast outturn position for the General Fund;

·        The emerging pressures and risks set out in the report;

·        The position regarding the General Fund capital programme and individual capital projects.


Additional documents:


52.1     The Financial Services Manager introduced the report. The Vice-chair asked if car usage and car parking income was expected to change. It was clarified that no further recovery is anticipated. It was also noted that 2022/23 car parking income is displayed as variance from the previous year and is incorporated into the 2023/24 base budget.


52.2     The Chair requested that annual budgets are displayed as gross figures with variances against them in future - Cllr Davidson agreed. Cllr Merryweather noted that car parks are priced individually according to demand and that there may be scope for change to accommodate the night time economy.


52.3     Cllr Davidson enquired about maximum parking fines. Cllr Merryweather stated that this is a complex issue and that the key constraint is the cost of administering enforcement. The Leader clarified that this is set by statute.


52.4     The Chair queried the inflation position statement. The Financial Services Manager clarified that the updated position at Table 2 on page 117 includes house number increases and that these are contributing to Council Tax.

It was noted that there could be no comment on the pay increase actuals at this time but the same assumptions were applied here as all contracts.


52.5     Cllr MacLeod asked if impact assessments are carried out into the impact of cuts on the most vulnerable residents. The Financial Services Manager clarified that it is standard practice to undertake these when any service change is proposed.


52.6     The Chair requested an update on the progress of EV charging roll-out and any impact on car parking revenue. The Senior Accountant informed the Committee that car parking fees are still charged for EV charging spaces and that this revenue will soon be seen in the 2023/24 budget. It was also noted that there are a number of these projects currently underway this year and the Climate Change team have this under constant review.


52.7     Abi Lewis confirmed to Cllr Atkins that the lease agreement for 69 High Street, Godalming was not yet signed.


The Committee resolved to note the report and recommendations.