Issue - meetings

Local Plan Part 2 - consultation on main modifications

Meeting: 29/11/2022 - Executive (Item 63)

63 Local Plan Part 2 Update pdf icon PDF 350 KB

The purpose of this report is to update the Executive on the examination of LPP2 and to outline how LPP2 will be progressed as quickly as possible to adoption.


The Inspector has advised that he considers no further Main Modifications (MMs), over and above those already discussed through the hearing sessions, are necessary to make the plan sound and/or legally compliant.


The Inspector will not be issuing a post-hearings letter and has instead asked the Council to finalise the schedule of MMs and to proceed with public consultation. He will take account of representations on the MMs in finalising his report.




It is recommended that the Executive notes the draft schedule of Main Modifications (MMs) at Annexe 1 and the indicative timetable for finalising LPP2 in section 5 of this report.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the draft schedule of Main Modifications (MMs) at Annexe 1 and the indicative timetable for finalising LPP2 in section 5 of the report be noted.



To alert the Executive to the Main Modifications that the Inspector currently considers necessary to make LPP2 sound and/or legally compliant and to enable the planning policy team to prioritise work on the final stages of preparing LPP2.


[This report is for noting and therefore not subject to call-in]


Councillor Liz Townsend, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development presented the report, which provided an update on the Local Plan Part 2 examination.  The Inspector was largely content with the schedule of main modifications in Annexe 1, nor had any concerns been raised with legal compliance.  Although the Inspector’s final report was awaited, it was not expected that any additional sites would be required to be identified.  Officers hoped that the main modifications would strengthen and enhance Local Plan Part 2 and consultation would take place on those between 9 December and  27 January 2023.  The Inspector’s final report was expected in February and would be considered by Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive before being adopted by the Council.


The Leader welcomed the report and thanked officers for their work.


Councillor Hyman spoke on the report and the requirement for an appropriate assessment.


In response, the Leader advised that the Inspector had been very clear in his response and what his expectations were in terms of information to be provided and the planning policy team would be carrying out that work.


Councillor Townsend reiterated that the sustainability assessment and habitats appraisal would be prepared and would form part of the consultation and Councillors would have every opportunity to comment on those and all comments would be considered by the Inspector.


RESOLVED that the draft schedule of Main Modifications (MMs) at Annexe 1 and the indicative timetable for finalising LPP2 in section 5 of the report be noted.



To alert the Executive to the Main Modifications that the Inspector currently considers necessary to make LPP2 sound and/or legally compliant and to enable the planning policy team to prioritise work on the final stages of preparing LPP2.