Issue - meetings

Fairground Car Park Project Update

Meeting: 04/10/2022 - Executive (Item 43)

43 Fairground Car Park Development Project Progress update report pdf icon PDF 579 KB

This report is to update Members on progress made since the 3 March 2022 and request budget to move to the next stage of the project which is to run a procurement for a development partner.




It is recommended that Executive approve:

·         a budget of £125,000, to be met from the Property Investment Reserve, to put funds in place to see the project through stages 3 and 4 as detailed in the revised timeline below and to allow the feasibility work detailed in exempt annexe 1.





Stage 3

Procurement - prepare tender documents and go out to procurement


Stage 4

Tender returns, dialog with interest parties and contract negotiations


Incidental work

Feasibility work to free up site and aid project delivery – as detailed in exempt annexe 1






Additional documents:


RESOLVED to approve a budget of £125,000 to be met from the Property Investment Reserve, to put funds in place to see the project through stages 3 and 4 as detailed in the revised timeline and to allow the feasibility work detailed in Exempt Annexe 1 to the agenda report.





Stage 3

Procurement - prepare tender documents and go out to procurement


Stage 4

Tender returns, dialog with interest parties and contract negotiations


Incidental Work

Feasibility work to free up site and aid project delivery – as detailed in exempt annexe






Reason: Following the Executive approval in March 2022, officers have been working with external property advisers, Montagu Evans, on progressing the project with the focus on a mixed-use housing and supermarket provision in support of the Local Plan Part 2.


[Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Cllr Merryweather presented the report which set out progress on the project to date, and requested a budget to move to the next stages of procuring a development partner.


Cllr Hyman was in remote attendance, having registered to speak in accordance with Procedure Rule 23. Cllr Hyman outlined his objection to spending more money on this project without having first resolved the issue that, in his opinion, the Council was not in compliance with the Habitats Regulations. The Leader referred Cllr Hyman to his comments earlier in the meeting regarding the legal assurances the Council has received regarding its approach to the Habitats Regulations.


RESOLVED to approve a budget of £125,000 to be met from the Property Investment Reserve, to put funds in place to see the project through stages 3 and 4 as detailed in the revised timeline and to allow the feasibility work detailed in Exempt Annexe 1 to the agenda report.





Stage 3

Procurement - prepare tender documents and go out to procurement


Stage 4

Tender returns, dialog with interest parties and contract negotiations


Incidental Work

Feasibility work to free up site and aid project delivery – as detailed in exempt annexe






Reason: Following the Executive approval in March 2022, officers have been working with external property advisers, Montagu Evans, on progressing the project with the focus on a mixed-use housing and supermarket provision in support of the Local Plan Part 2.