Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/09/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Services (Item 21)

21 CORPORATE PERFORMANCE REPORT Q1 2022/2023 pdf icon PDF 134 KB

The Corporate Performance Report provides an analysis of the Council’s

performance for the first quarter of 2022-2023. The report, set out at Annexe 1,

is being presented to each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for

comment and any recommendations they may wish to make to the Executive.


Please note pages 52-78 of the agenda pack (pages 34-60 of the report) are the reports that come under the Services O&S Remit.

Additional documents:


Jenny Sturgess, Policy and Performance Officer, was welcomed to the Committee.


Jenny Sturgess advised that the financial figures were not representative of the first quarter and are the figures at the end of Q4.


Cllr Seaborne advised that collections of street bins appeared to be reactive rather than proactive as they only seemed to be emptied when they were overflowing. Richard Homewood advised this should no longer be happening and asked for any instances to be reported to him.  Members also advised that residential collections had also been atrocious recently and residents were having difficulty reporting this online. Richard Homewood raised concern at this and asked for incidents to be reported to him.


Cllr Dickson asked for an update on the bike shelters for Farnham. Kelvin Mills advised discussions were still taking place on a suitable location and style.


Cllr Dickson noted there was no mention of Farnham Museum in the report. Kelvin Mills advised that there was little to report other than the second round of funding applications were going through.


It was noted that there was some improvement in planning performance this quarter. Sally busby advised that the figures for 151a, 153a and 123a included the backlog for the last 2 years so were unlikely to show a positive improvement for some time.


It was highlighted that members were finding it difficult to find information on the website and relied upon contacting officers directly. It was difficult to find housing numbers and running totals.  It was also highlighted that changes and extensions to applications were not obvious. Officers were asked to look at this.


It had been noted that pavement licensing had now moved permanently to Boroughs and Districts and members wished to know what cost implications this would incur. Officers advised the allowances would be adjusted to cover this.