Issue - meetings

Update on the Museum of Farnham MEND Application

Meeting: 06/09/2022 - Executive (Item 33)

33 Update on the Museum of Farnham MEND Application pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To provide an update on the Museum of Farnham’s application for the Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND) round 2.  The report briefly sets out the status of the project and the key challenges to be met to ensure the Council is in the best position to submit a compelling bid by 30 September 2022 deadline.  The application must include evidence that the level of partnership funding indicated in the Expression of Interest is secured or can be achieved prior to the project starting in April 2023.




It is recommended that the Executive agrees to the Council committing £100,000 of capital funding as a partnership contribution to an overall match fund commitment of £200,000.


However, if circumstances are as such that:


       I.          The Council is awarded the full grant of £638,000 requested of MEND

     II.          The legal and financial terms and conditions of grant are agreeable to the Council

   III.          Every effort to obtain partnership funding from external sources has been explored    


The Executive supports a recommendation in principle to the Council to make up the match funding shortfall based on a value for money appraisal and the identification of an available budget to enable the project to proceed to the construction phase.





That the Executive agrees to the Council committing £100,000 of capital funding as a partnership contribution to an overall match fund commitment of £200,000.


However, if circumstances are as such that:


       I.          the Council is awarded the full grant of £638,000 requested of MEND;

     II.          the legal and financial terms and conditions of grant are agreeable to the Council;

    III.          every effort to obtain partnership funding from external sources is being explored and is ongoing;


the Executive supports a recommendation in principle to the Council to make up the match funding shortfall based on a value for money appraisal and the identification of an available budget to enable the project to proceed to the construction phase.


[Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Councillor Mirylees presented the report which set out an update on the application for Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND) funding for the Museum of Farnham which had required a lot of work to get to the first round.  In order to progress to the second round, a commitment to match funding would be required.  Cllr Mirylees highlighted a minor change to the wording of recommendation iii.


The Leader thanked the Portfolio Holders and officers for their work on the project.


Councillor Hyman spoke on the item, seeking clarification on the wording of part of the report and the recommendation.  Councillor Mirylees clarified that the purpose was to demonstrate the commitment required for securing MEND funding.


Councillor Clark spoke on the report, urging not to place restrictions on the project which could have adverse impacts further down the line.




That the Executive agrees to the Council committing £100,000 of capital funding as a partnership contribution to an overall match fund commitment of £200,000.


However, if circumstances are as such that:


       I.          the Council is awarded the full grant of £638,000 requested of MEND;

     II.          the legal and financial terms and conditions of grant are agreeable to the Council;

    III.          every effort to obtain partnership funding from external sources is being explored and is ongoing;


the Executive supports a recommendation in principle to the Council to make up the match funding shortfall based on a value for money appraisal and the identification of an available budget to enable the project to proceed to the construction phase.