Issue - meetings

Wey Court East Update [E3]

Meeting: 29/11/2022 - Executive (Item 61)

61 Wey Court East Project Update pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Council on the 19 October 2021 agreed the funding for a project at Wey Court East in Farnham to facilitate its use and secure a lease.  This report updates members on the progress of that project.


Due to commercial sensitivities the detail is provided in exempt annexe 1.




It is recommended that the Executive:

1)    Note the new lease proposals to be approved under the Scheme of Delegation by the Executive Head of Assets and Property.

2)    Give approval for further funding as detailed in exempt annexe 1.

3)    Delegates to the Executive Head of Assets and Property the tendering and entering into contract and associated agreements for the delivery of the works required.


Additional documents:




1.     The new lease proposals to be approved under the Scheme of Delegation by the Executive Head of Assets and Property be noted;

2.     further funding be approved as detailed in exempt annexe 1; and

3.     authority be delegated to the Executive Head of Assets and Property the tendering and entering into contract and associated agreements for the delivery of the works required.



The reason is set out in the exempt annexe 1.


[Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Councillor Merryweather, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Assets presented the report which set out lease proposals for the property and thanked the officers involved for their work in securing a sustainable long-term outcome for the property.


Councillor Hyman welcomed the solution proposal although expressed concern over the cost and he requested a discussion in an exempt session.  The Leader advised that he intended to discuss the item in public and suggested that Councillor Hyman discuss any queries with the Portfolio Holder after the meeting.


Councillor Mulliner asked a question on the following item which would be dealt with under that item.




1.     The new lease proposals to be approved under the Scheme of Delegation by the Executive Head of Assets and Property be noted;

2.     further funding be approved as detailed in exempt annexe 1; and

3.     authority be delegated to the Executive Head of Assets and Property the tendering and entering into contract and associated agreements for the delivery of the works required.



The reason is set out in the exempt annexe 1.