Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/06/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Services (Item 7)


The Corporate Performance Report provides an analysis of the Council’s

performance for the 4th quarter of 2021-22. The report, set out at Annexe 1,

is being presented to each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for

comment and any recommendations they may wish to make to the Executive.


Heads of Service to highlight areas relating to this committees remit (pages to note are Pages 37 (HDC Communities aspect only) to 68 of the Performance report [pages 51-92 of the agenda papers]).


Additional documents:


Louise Norie attended for this item. The Committee noted the report circulated with the agenda and each head of service gave a summary of their service. The Committee made the following comments:


Environmental and Regulatory Services


·         Who now looks after Waverleys OOH service?  Bracknell Forest Borough Council.

·         If BIFFA work weekends to catch up who pays? BIFFA pay the overtime.

·         Food Safety Checks – Should this have a target rather than be data only? This would be discussed with then team.

·         Have we had any cases of Monkey Pox in Waverley? None we are aware of.

·         Complaints regarding noise and light pollution from residential gardens. What can be done as it appears onus is on complainant to get the evidence?  Enforcement team are on 4.5 FTE so resources are limited. Complainants are given diaries to complete and then officers can investigate if there are trends.

·         Heat exchangers and solar panels fitted to Memorial Hall - Have we installed underfloor heating or is it just heating the existing system? Is it reducing the bills? The Sustainability Manager will advise.

·         SP21/24ES16.1 – dates are inconsistent as it states completed but narrative says it will not be complete till end June 2022?

·         Bonfires – how are we dealing with these?

·         Strays – would like data on how many we are dealing with.

·         Dead Animals on highways – numbers seem to be increasing – is there a contributary factor for this rise? Response will be given offline.

·         It was noted that the figures for E2b (No of flytips dealt with) appears to significantly rise in Q4 of 20/21 and 21/22. Was it possible to identify why this was? Also are we taking action against flytippers? Additional enforcement officers have been recruited and action is taken against those identified.

·         When will the monitoring of street cleansing begin again? Meeting with BIFFA this week to discuss.


Commercial Services


·         How were the key priority areas for the CSP decided? They are based on the Surrey priorities and then focussed down to those relative to Waverley. Eve Budd to advise via evidence received.

·         Will new ASB officer visit towns and parishes? Yes he will be addressing all areas of Waverley.

·         Household Support Fund – why did this only go to Farnham and Haslemere? FTC and Haslemere had their own COVID groups set up so they administered the fund for their areas. WBC then administered the fund for the rest of the Borough.

·         It was noted that the number of those registered to careline were down but the calls to the line were increasing.

·         SP21/24CS4.1 – Officers were asked if this had been discussed at Resources O&S as it had a financial implication and were advised it had not.


Planning & Economic Development

·         It was noted that KPI’s were still in the red but that trajectories were on an upward trend. The Committee were assured that they would see a significant improvement in the Q1 figures at the next meeting.

·         The committee expressed concern that the responses to L2  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7