Issue - meetings

EV Strategy - Update

Meeting: 07/06/2022 - Executive (Item 9)

9 Electric Vehicle Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 189 KB

In April 2021 Waverley adopted a strategy that outlined how it would encourage the transitions from petrol and diesel to electric vehicles as part of a sustainable transport system. The purpose of this report is to provide an annual progress update in terms of EV charger installations in the borough as per the EV strategy in Annex 1.


At the end of 2021 there were 17 public EV charger and 1 private charger installed by Waverley and 10 public chargers installed by SCC. A further 18 public chargers are due to be installed by Waverley by the end of 2022 with a further 10 due to be installed by SCC as part of the joint on street pilot. 18 public and 48 private chargers will be installed at Brightwells. This will complete Phase 1 of the roll out.


By the end of 2023 it is expected that there will be a charging facility in all of the larger Waverley owned car parks including some Leisure Centre car parks.




It is recommended that the Executive note the progress made to date on the delivery of the EV strategy as outlined in Annex 1. Subsequent progress updates will be incorporated within the annual Carbon Neutrality Action Plan progress reporting.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the progress made to date on the delivery of the EV strategy as outlined in Annex 1 be noted. Subsequent progress updates will be incorporated within the annual Carbon Neutrality Action Plan progress reporting.


Reason: To update the Executive on changes to the EV Strategy in the response to the increased  demand for electric charging and changes to the building regulations.


[This matter is for noting and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]


Councillor Williams, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, presented the report which provided an update to the Electric Vehicle Strategy and thanked the officers involved. 


Councillor Seaborne spoke on this item, seeing clarification on the changes made and the consultation carried out.  He welcomed the changes but felt that more could be done on the financial and promotional aspects of the strategy.


Councillor Williams advised that the report provided an update, that consultation with stakeholders was ongoing and that the ongoing review of the strategy was included in the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan updates which were considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Climate Emergency Board.  Officers were working with Surrey County Council on implementation of the strategy.


The Strategic Director (s151) advised that the funding of the chargers varied, in some instances the funding came from the private sector and in some instances the Council needed to subsidise that funding.  The Council had its own Carbon Reduction Fund and this was topped up every time funding was received.


Councillor Merryweather spoke in support of the report, highlighting the section of the report which related to financial implications and that the social and environmental value of the chargers was also considered, not just their price.


The Leader clarified that this was a living document and that Overview and Scrutiny had the right to scrutinise any subject within its remit.


RESOLVED that the progress made to date on the delivery of the EV strategy as outlined in Annex 1 be noted. Subsequent progress updates will be incorporated within the annual Carbon Neutrality Action Plan progress reporting.


Reason: To update the Executive on changes to the EV Strategy in the response to the increased  demand for electric charging and changes to the building regulations.