Issue - meetings

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) bidding cycle 2021/22

Meeting: 05/04/2022 - Executive (Item 116)

116 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) bidding cycle 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 255 KB

This report seeks to gain approval from the Executive for the allocation of Strategic CIL funding to the projects recommended for funding by the CIL Advisory Board in relation to the Strategic CIL Bidding Cycle 2021/22.




It is recommended that the Executive agree the recommendations of the CIL Advisory Board and approve the allocation of Strategic CIL funding to the projects as set out in this report. This is subject to the completion of the final relevant checks and the signing of funding agreements, the details of which are delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery).




That the recommendations of the CIL Advisory Board be agreed and the allocation of Strategic CIL funding to the projects as set out in this report be approved. This is subject to the completion of the final relevant checks and the signing of funding agreements, the details of which are delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery).


Reason: In order to ensure robust and effective expenditure, in line with the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended), and in accordance with the Council’s approved CIL governance arrangements which include detailed eligibility and assessment criteria.


[Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Councillor Palmer presented the report, which set out the proposed allocation of Strategic CIL funding to the projects recommended for funding by the CIL Advisory Board in relation to the Strategic CIL Bidding Cycle 2021/22.  In response to questions from the Executive, Councillor Palmer advised that bidding cycles were annual, however there was flexibility to consider bids in year to ensure that important bids did not miss out.  Unsuccessful applicants were encouraged to reapply and officers were liaising with the County Council on the reasons why their bids were unsuccessful.  Councillor Palmer encouraged future applicants to carefully consider the guidance and criteria provided when submitting bids.




That the recommendations of the CIL Advisory Board be agreed and the allocation of Strategic CIL funding to the projects as set out in this report be approved. This is subject to the completion of the final relevant checks and the signing of funding agreements, the details of which are delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery).


Reason: In order to ensure robust and effective expenditure, in line with the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended), and in accordance with the Council’s approved CIL governance arrangements which include detailed eligibility and assessment criteria.