Issue - meetings

Service Plans 2022-25

Meeting: 08/02/2022 - Executive (Item 91)

91 Service Plan 2022-25 (3 year rolling plans) pdf icon PDF 162 KB

The Service Plans have been prepared by Heads of Service in collaboration with their teams and Portfolio Holders to set out the service objectives for the coming three years in line with the Corporate Strategy 2020-2025 and the Medium Term Financial Plan.




It is recommended that the Executive:


a) consider the comments and recommendations received from the Overview & Scrutiny Committees and,


b) approves the Service Plans 2022-25 proposals, as set out at Annexe 1, for implementation from 1 April 2022.


Additional documents:




a) That the comments and recommendations received from the Overview & Scrutiny Committees are noted; and

b) That the Service Plans 2022-25 proposals, as set out at Annexe 1, for implementation from 1 April 2022 be approved.


Reason: The annual review process of service plans is a subject of internal as well as external scrutiny in which the O&S committees play a crucial role. The scrutiny committees review the proposals and pass their comments and recommendations to the Executive for their consideration ahead of the approval process.


[Policy and Services and Overview and Scrutiny Committees]



The Leader of the Council presented the report which set out the three year rolling service plans.


Councillor Hyman spoke on the report and sought clarification on the statutory requirement for the Council to have an air quality action plan and that this could not be delegated to the Farnham Infrastructure Board.  The Leader advised that the plan was owned by the Council, however it was felt that the Farnham Infrastructure Board was the most appropriate place to discuss the plan, rather than the former Farnham Air Quality Board. 




a) That the comments and recommendations received from the Overview & Scrutiny Committees are noted; and

b) That the Service Plans 2022-25 proposals, as set out at Annexe 1, for implementation from 1 April 2022 be approved.


Reason: The annual review process of service plans is a subject of internal as well as external scrutiny in which the O&S committees play a crucial role. The scrutiny committees review the proposals and pass their comments and recommendations to the Executive for their consideration ahead of the approval process.