Issue - meetings

Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022-2025 - Approval to consult

Meeting: 18/01/2022 - Executive (Item 72)

72 Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy - to approve strategy for consultation pdf icon PDF 403 KB

Officers are seeking Executive approval for the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy and supporting evidence studies to be published for public consultation between 27 January and 24 February 2022.




It is recommended that the Executive Committee approves the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy and supporting evidence studies to be published for public consultation between 27 January and 24 February 2022.



Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy and supporting evidence studies be approved to be published for public consultation between 27 January and 24 February 2022.


Reason: To have an Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy which is fit for purpose and sets out our priorities for new affordable homes in the borough.


[Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee]



The Leader presented the report which set out a draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy for consultation with stakeholders.  The document was aligned to the Corporate Strategy, in respect of provision of quality affordable housing, reducing energy bills for tenants and mitigating the impact of the housing stock on the climate.  He looked forward to receiving comments from stakeholders and thanked the officers involved in the production of the document. 


Councillor Williams welcomed the report and its commitment to sustainability and building net zero homes.  The recommendations would meet housing need and benefit residents whilst contributing to the sustainability agenda. 


Councillor Palmer echoed the comments made and welcomed the report and thanked the Portfolio Holder and officers for their work.  He highlighted the lack of genuine affordable housing and felt that the strategy provided a viable path forward.


RESOLVED that the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy and supporting evidence studies be approved to be published for public consultation between 27 January and 24 February 2022.


Reason: To have an Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy which is fit for purpose and sets out our priorities for new affordable homes in the borough.