Issue - meetings

Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022-2025

Meeting: 05/04/2022 - Executive (Item 109)

109 Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy - amendments following consultation pdf icon PDF 451 KB

Officers are seeking Executive recommendation to adopt the Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy




It is recommended that the Executive Committee approves the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022-2025 and recommends adoption to Full Council


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That the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022-2025 be approved and recommended to Full Council for adoption.


Reason: To adopt a housing strategy which is fit for purpose and sets out our priorities for new affordable homes in the borough.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]


Councillor Palmer presented the report which set out the Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy for recommendation to Council for adoption.  He thanked the officers for their work on the Strategy and highlighted the challenges in delivering affordable homes.  Councillor Williams highlighted the issue of ensuring homes were energy efficient.


Councillor Hyman spoke on the report, querying the value of some of the responses to the consultation and that the previous Council decision to maximise rents contradicted the commitment in the Strategy relating to social rents.  The rules on Right to Buy should be properly explained and the reasons why 30% of respondents disagreed with the proposals.


In response, the Leader advised that the Executive did not agree with Right to Buy rules, however it was not able to override Government legislation.  He clarified that rents were being increased in order to deliver more housing to address demand in the borough.  Councillors Palmer advised that the Council would continue to lobby the Government to change the rules around Right to Buy.


The Leader thanked the current and former Portfolio Holder and officers for their work.




That the draft Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022-2025 be approved and recommended to Full Council for adoption.


Reason: To adopt a housing strategy which is fit for purpose and sets out our priorities for new affordable homes in the borough.