Issue - meetings

First Homes Approach Policy

Meeting: 30/11/2021 - Executive (Item 61)

61 First Homes Approach Policy pdf icon PDF 540 KB

To provide a summary of the First Homes initiative set out in May 2021 Planning Policy Guidance and a Waverley First Homes Approach Policy.




It is recommended that the Executive:


·         reviews the report and notes the requirements of the First Homes initiative,

·         applies the national guidance of at least 25% of affordable homes on qualifying schemes to be First Homes

·         applies the national guidance of 30% discount for First Homes,

·         applies the national guidance of £80k income threshold,

·         applies an additional local eligibility criteria to ensure local residents have access the scheme - as set out in the Housing Allocation Policy (see below 4.4.9), and

·         does not apply an additional priority for local essential worker criteria.



1.    the report and requirements of the First Homes initiative be noted;

2.    the national guidance of at least 25% of affordable homes on qualifying schemes to be First Homes be applied;

3.    the national guidance of 30% discount for First Homes be applied;

4.    the national guidance of £80k income threshold be applied;

5.    an additional local eligibility criteria be applied to ensure local residents have access the scheme - as set out in the Housing Allocation Policy (as set out at 4.4.9 of the report); and

6.    an additional priority for local essential worker criteria is not applied.


Reason: To comply with the government’s First Homes initiative whilst limiting the negative impact on other tenures of affordable housing in the borough and supporting local residents (those who live and/or work in the borough).





The Leader presented the report which set out a summary of the Government’s First Homes initiative set out in May 2021 Planning Policy Guidance and a Waverley First Homes Approach Policy which the Council was required to have in response.  The Leader thanked the officers for their work on the Policy, the comments made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in relation to the Policy were noted and it was



1.    the report and requirements of the First Homes initiative be noted;

2.    the national guidance of at least 25% of affordable homes on qualifying schemes to be First Homes be applied;

3.    the national guidance of 30% discount for First Homes be applied;

4.    the national guidance of £80k income threshold be applied;

5.    an additional local eligibility criteria be applied to ensure local residents have access the scheme - as set out in the Housing Allocation Policy (as set out at 4.4.9 of the report); and

6.    an additional priority for local essential worker criteria is not applied.