Issue - meetings

Capital Projects [E3]

Meeting: 18/01/2022 - Executive (Item 76)

76 Capital Projects pdf icon PDF 333 KB

To approve the list of projects for some of the remaining capital funds for 2021-22 funds. 




It is recommended that the Executive:

1.    Note the Asset Management Plan (AMP) produced by the Engineers for pavilions across the Borough and the RAG rating to prioritise works that are now critical

2.    Approve the value of up to £76,080* from the 2021-22 capital budget

[*full amount subject to clarification of approved works with Bourne Community Group].



Additional documents:




1.    The Asset Management Plan (AMP) produced by the Engineers for pavilions across the Borough and the RAG rating to prioritise works that are now critical be noted

2.    The value of up to £76,080* be approved from the 2021-22 capital budget

[*full amount subject to clarification of approved works with Bourne Community Group].


Reason: For urgent maintenance works required to Waverley pavilions to take place now that a strategic AMP has been produced.


[Services Overview and Scrutiny]



Councillor Merryweather presented the report which set out proposals for allocation of £76,080 of the remaining £161,341 from the fund agreed at the Council meeting in February 2021 for discretionary capital projects.  The Projects Co-ordinating Group was formed to consider the discretionary projects and bring back recommended projects and expenditure to the Executive.  The current proposals focussed on the borough’s pavilions, where a status report had been commissioned which showed that many of the pavilions had fallen behind in their programme of maintenance and repair.  The funding proposed would enable the Council to address some of the most severe cases.  There were other projects in the pipeline which would enable the remaining balance to be spent before the end of the year. 


In response to a question from the Leader, Councillor Merryweather confirmed that the figure of £76,080 was the maximum needed and the figure proposed for the Bourne Pavilion was contingent on discussions with the current tenant.  Councillor Townsend thanked the Portfolio Holder and welcomed the improvement to the borough’s pavilions, which would provide access to leisure for residents. 




1.    The Asset Management Plan (AMP) produced by the Engineers for pavilions across the Borough and the RAG rating to prioritise works that are now critical be noted

2.    The value of up to £76,080* be approved from the 2021-22 capital budget

[*full amount subject to clarification of approved works with Bourne Community Group].


Reason: For urgent maintenance works required to Waverley pavilions to take place now that a strategic AMP has been produced.