Issue - meetings

Economic Development Strategy

Meeting: 23/04/2024 - Council (Item 112)

112 New Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2024-32 pdf icon PDF 723 KB

The Council is recommended to note the New Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2024-32 set out in the report at agenda item 9.


Portfolio Holder for Planning & Regeneration and Economic Development.

Additional documents:


112.1   Cllr Liz Townsend introduced the Economic Development Strategy and thanked the Economic Development Team for their hard work completing the Strategy and Action Plan. She explained that following the Council declaring a climate emergency it was recognised that things needed to be done differently by working within social and ecological thresholds. The strategy aimed to create flourishing, sustainable and equal economy. It was highlighted that all four settlements in Waverley had property vacancy rates well below the national average and this had been further supported by providing funding for Business Improvement Districts in these settlements. Officers would continue to meet with these groups along with the more established Chambers of Commerce to assist them in achieving their plans.


112.2   Waverley were working with the UCA on their trailblazing regional initiative Pixel Rise which aimed to create a thriving ecosystem in gaming and to promote creativity, innovation and inclusive inclusivity. Professor Sophie Smith, Director of the School of Games and Creative Technology would be attending the Guilford and Waverly business question time on Monday June 3 hosted and chaired by Professor Amelia Hadfield, Associate Vice President at the University of Surrey.


112.3   The Leader seconded the strategy and asked to reserve his comments till later in the discussion.


112.4   Cllr Murray welcomed the section called Creative Waverley focussing on Farnham and encouraging worldclass artists and professionals to use public and retail space. He also welcomed the aspiration to create an additional thousand jobs over the next five years but highlighted the caution that 45.5% of businesses fail within 5 years. He highlighted the lack of affordable accommodation in Waverley and the risk to businesses as staff cannot afford to live nearby.


112.5   Cllr Williams welcomed the strategy and highlighted the section of the strategy on a thriving and green economy.


112.6   Cllr Martin, Leader of the Principal Opposition Group, felt the section on the donut approach was interesting and highlighted the issues of online shopping and its effects on the high street. He emphasised the increase in coffee shops and the diminishing of pubs and felt the document did not capture the changing face of the high street.  He welcomed the areas on retaining key businesses but emphasised that increasing car parking charges were inconsistent with retaining a good economy.  He also felt acquiring properties and spending public money on them was not the right approach. He welcomed the focus on rural economy and improving the links with these small businesses.


112.7   Cllr Merryweather supported the strategy and emphasised the importance of the document and that it reminded us that as important as the High Street is we must also remember that the health and education sector needed support too.


112.8   Cllr Spence welcomed this paper, particularly the emphasis and priority put on the Green Waverley theme. He highlighted that climate change was the biggest existential threat and impacts everything and everyone. He felt that at a time when the government is rowing back on some of its commitments it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 112

Meeting: 09/04/2024 - Executive (Item 159)

159 New Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2024-32 pdf icon PDF 723 KB

The Executive are recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 9.


Portfolio Holder for Planning & Regeneration and Economic Development

Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED to adopt the Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2024-32 and RECOMMEND that it be presented to Full Council on 23 April 2024.



Councillor Liz Townsend, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development introduced the report which sought endorsement of the new Economic Development Strategy 2024 – 32 and its supporting evidence base together with approval for the forthcoming consultation on the draft Action Plan with strategic partners; and to recommend that Council notes its adoption. Officers were thanked for their work in developing the Strategy and Action Plan.


Executive Members’ statements in support of the recommendations included:


·       Welcoming the emphasis on addressing climate change

·       Acknowledging that engagement would take place with Towns and Parishes and the Business Improvement Districts; and

·       That the evidence base set out the economic strengths and challenges for the Borough.


Having noted the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Services, the Executive RESOLVED to adopt the Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2024-32 and RECOMMEND that it be presented to Full Council on 23 April 2024.


Reason: To ensure that the borough has an up-to-date Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan that provides clear vision of how Waverley can achieve a green, creative and sustainable economy.