Issue - meetings

The report of the Independent Remuneration Panel appointed to review the allowances paid to Councillors of Waverley Borough Council

Meeting: 05/10/2021 - Executive (Item 33)

33 Review of the Members Allowances Scheme: Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel pdf icon PDF 120 KB

The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (as amended) provide that it is for each local authority to decide its Members Allowances Scheme, and the amounts to be paid under that Scheme. Councils are required to establish an Independent Remuneration Panel to provide advice on its Allowances Scheme, and to carry out periodic reviews of the Scheme. Council must have regard to the recommendations of the IRP before making any changes to the Members Scheme of Allowances.


A review of the Waverley Scheme of Members’ Allowances by the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) was carried out on 21 and 27 July 2021, and the IRP’s report is attached at Annexe 1.


Having considered the report and recommendations of the IRP, the Executive is asked to make appropriate recommendations to Full Council on changes to the Members Allowances Scheme.




Executive recommends to Full Council that:


1.    The report and recommendations of the IRP are noted.

2.    In view of the continuing significant pressure on the Council’s budgets, there is no change to the Members Allowances Scheme until after the next Borough elections in May 2023, at which time the Scheme should be reviewed again by an independent remuneration panel.

3.    The annual indexation of Basic and Special Responsibility Allowances in line with the percentage increase in staff salaries continues from 1 April 2022 for up to three years.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Executive recommends to Full Council that:


1.    The report and recommendations of the IRP are noted.

2.    In view of the continuing significant pressure on the Council’s budgets, there is no change to the Members Allowances Scheme until after the next Borough elections in May 2023, at which time the Scheme should be reviewed again by an independent remuneration panel.

3.    The annual indexation of Basic and Special Responsibility Allowances in line with the percentage increase in staff salaries continues from 1 April 2022 for up to three years.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]


The Leader presented the report which set out a review of the Waverley Scheme of Members’ Allowances carried out by the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) which the Council was required to establish under the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (as amended).  He thanked the Panel for their work and their engagement on the issue of remuneration.  Considering the current position with rises to national insurance contributions, cuts to Universal Credit and potential national and local tax rises to pay for the cost of the pandemic it would be improper for the Council to recommend any rise to the current Members’ Allowances Scheme.  Therefore it was proposed to note the report but to recommend to the Council that there be no increase at this time and it was


RESOLVED that the Executive recommends to Full Council that:


1.    The report and recommendations of the IRP are noted.

2.    In view of the continuing significant pressure on the Council’s budgets, there is no change to the Members Allowances Scheme until after the next Borough elections in May 2023, at which time the Scheme should be reviewed again by an independent remuneration panel.

3.    The annual indexation of Basic and Special Responsibility Allowances in line with the percentage increase in staff salaries continues from 1 April 2022 for up to three years.


Reason: To comply with the requirements of The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (as amended). A council can only rely on the agreed form of indexation for a maximum of 4 years before further review of the Scheme by the IRP.