Issue - meetings

Burys Development Project [E3]

Meeting: 05/10/2021 - Executive (Item 37)

37 The Burys Development Options Appraisal Stage 1 pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Obtain approval from the Executive to progress to the next governance stage of the Burys Development project and authorise funds to enable the project to progress to Stage 2.




It is recommended that the Executive


·         Note the progress made on the Burys Development Project to date, as detailed in Annexe 1.

·         Approve a further budget of £15,000 to progress to Stage 2, to be met from the balance on the original approval and the Property Investment Reserve.

Additional documents:




1.         That the progress made on the Burys Development Project to date, as detailed in Annexe 1, be noted; and

2.         That a further budget of £15,000 to progress to Stage 2 be approved, to be met from the balance on the original approval and the Property Investment Reserve. 


Reason: To comply with approval and governance arrangements as defined within the PID.





Councillor Mark Merryweather, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Assets and Commercial Services presented the report which sought approval from the Executive to progress to the next governance stage of the Burys Development project and authorise funds to enable the project to progress to Stage 2. Stage 1 had considered options for the three sites of the Burys, the Crown Court car park and the Wharf car park.  The objectives for the project embodied the Corporate Strategy and took into account the views of officers and Borough and Town Councillors.  Three options had emerged which would be explored in more detail in stage 2.  Dedicated channels would be established for elected representatives to feed into the project and he thanked all those who had contributed so far.  The Leader thanked the Portfolio Holder for engaging with Godalming Town Council.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor John Ward welcomed the proposals.  Councillor Liz Townsend welcomed the report and the recognition of changes in ways of working and the weight given to climate change considerations.  The Leader reiterated that the proposals were grounded in the Corporate Strategy.  Councillor Andy MacLeod sought clarification on the meaning of the phrase of a “hotel style development” and the Portfolio Holder responded.


Councillor Steve Williams endorsed the sustainability elements of the proposals and welcomed the opportunity for a development which was in line with the Council’s commitment to tackling the climate emergency.




1.         That the progress made on the Burys Development Project to date, as detailed in Annexe 1, be noted; and

2.         That a further budget of £15,000 to progress to Stage 2 be approved, to be met from the balance on the original approval and the Property Investment Reserve. 


Reason: To comply with approval and governance arrangements as defined within the PID.