Issue - meetings

New Funding Process and Arrangement for Voluntary Sector Organisation 2022 / 2025

Meeting: 05/10/2021 - Executive (Item 38)

38 New funding process for voluntary organisations 2022 to 2025 - Thriving Communities Commissioning Fund pdf icon PDF 321 KB

This report sets out the proposed Thriving Communities Commissioning Fund process and documentation to operate the scheme.  The scheme will replace the current Service Level Agreement scheme. 




It is recommended that the Executive, after considering comments from the Community Wellbeing Overview & Scrutiny Committee:


1.    Agrees to launch the Thriving Communities Commissioning scheme as set out in the report.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the launch of the Thriving Communities Commissioning scheme as set out in the report be agreed.


Reason: To ensure that the Council’s funding mechanism and approach to not-for-profit organisations meets the Council’s corporate priorities, evidence-based community needs and takes into account the views of the Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Overview & Scrutiny Service Level Agreement Working Group.





Councillor Kika Mirylees, Portfolio Holder for Health Wellbeing and Culture, presented the report which set out a proposed Thriving Communities Commissioning Fund process and documentation to operate the scheme.  The scheme would replace the current Service Level Agreement scheme.  Cllr Mirylees thanked the Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its help in shaping the priorities of the scheme.  Applications for funding would be assessed by an assessment panel against an agreed criteria to ensure funding decisions were made fairly and transparently.  The Council had a strong track record of working in partnership with voluntary organisations in the delivery of services to the community.


The Leader thanked the Portfolio Holder and the officers involved for their work on this scheme.  At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Jenny Else expressed concern that she had not been involved in the assessment document as a member of the independent panel; and that dates for the panel meetings had not been set up as it was likely to be a lengthy process.  Councillor Else also expressed concern over ringfenced funding for youth provision, as this was the responsibility of the County Council.  She praised the work carried out by the Friday Night Project in Cranleigh, however felt that this was sufficient for the Borough Council’s provision.  Councillor Else asked for clarification on the future of the community meals service in the event that any of the buildings used by the service did not receive funding.


In response, the Leader reminded those present that it was not usual for meetings to be scheduled before the process had been agreed by the Council.  The Council had a duty to explore what it could do to help young people when it was felt that the statutory duty to provide youth services by the County Council was not being met.  However she highlighted the work of the Friday Night Project which she felt was sufficient to meet the youth provision.


In response, Councillor Mirylees advised that ringfencing was not being proposed, however if organisations came forward who wanted to provide services to young people then they would be given consideration.  She drew the Executive’s attention to the report which set out the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on the 16-34 age range and this section of the community needed support.  The community meals on wheels service would be retained and the Council would explore how to support organisations to deliver this more efficiently.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor John Ward congratulated the Portfolio Holder for her work on the proposals and welcomed the focus on youth provision.  Councillor Liz Townsend also congratulated the Portfolio Holder and the officers involved, welcoming the proposals which would make the process more transparent and also highlighting the success of the Friday Night Project.  The Leader and Councillor Steve Williams echoed the comments made regarding youth provision and support for the proposals.  In conclusion, Councillor Mirylees highlighted the enthusiasm of the officers involved.


The Leader echoed the comments made and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38