Issue - meetings

Housing Maintenance Contract update [E3]

Meeting: 18/01/2022 - Executive (Item 74)

74 Housing Maintenance Procurement Outcome report pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To update Executive Members on the outcome of the Housing Maintenance, Responsive Repairs, Void Refurbishment and Disabled Adaptations Contract procurement.  The Executive resolved to the procurement exercise on 7 January 2020 (minutes EXE 52/19 52.2.3).  To confirm that following the tender evaluation process Ian Williams Ltd achieved the highest combined scores for price and quality.




It is recommended that Members:

·         note this report as true reflection of the procurement process undertaken for the housing maintenance service, and note that following the tender evaluation process Ian Williams Ltd achieved the highest combined scores for price and quality

·         instruct officers to report to the Landlord Services Advisory Board within nine months on the outcome of the mobilisation of the new contract and the performance of the contractor.






1.    The procurement process undertaken for the housing maintenance service be noted, and that following a comprehensive tender evaluation process, Ian Williams Ltd achieved the highest combined scores for price and quality and has been confirmed as the preferred bidder and subject to contract and final due diligence, will be awarded the contract.

2.    Officers be requested to report to the Landlord Services Advisory Board within nine months on the outcome of the mobilisation of the new contract and the performance of the contractor.


Reason: To share the outcome of the procurement exercise and demonstrate the adherence to procurement rules


[Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


The Leader presented the report which set out the outcome of the Housing Maintenance Contract procurement.  It was noted that housing repairs generated a significant number of enquiries from tenants and there had been some issues with the current contract, exacerbated by the pandemic.  The procurement process would bring forward a new contractor with whom a better relationship could be built and contractual obligations could be put in place to allow monitoring of performance which would ultimately result in a better service for tenants.  It was likely that a performance report would come before the Landlord Services Advisory Board earlier than the nine month deadline.    




1.    The procurement process undertaken for the housing maintenance service be noted, and that following a comprehensive tender evaluation process, Ian Williams Ltd achieved the highest combined scores for price and quality and has been confirmed as the preferred bidder and subject to contract and final due diligence, will be awarded the contract.

2.    Officers be requested to report to the Landlord Services Advisory Board within nine months on the outcome of the mobilisation of the new contract and the performance of the contractor.


Reason: To share the outcome of the procurement exercise and demonstrate the adherence to procurement rules