Issue - meetings

Corporate Strategy 2020-25 Yr 1 progress report

Meeting: 30/11/2021 - Executive (Item 63)

63 Corporate Strategy 2020-25 YEAR 1 Progress report DOTX 41 KB

The Corporate Strategy 2020-25 was adopted in October 2020 and this report outlines the progress made in the first year against the corporate priorities. The report is set out at Annexe 1 and includes actions completed in the last year as well as activity programmed for the next eighteen months. Each section also includes a summary by the relevant Portfolio Holder for their particular area of responsibility.




It is recommended that the Executive:

·           consider the report and note the progress made against the Corporate Strategy over the past twelve months

·           consider any recommendations received from the Overview & Scrutiny Committees in relation to Annexe 1 to the report and

·           consider the areas of focus for the year ahead and make any comments or recommendations in this respect.

Additional documents:




1.    The report and progress made against the Corporate Strategy over the past twelve months be noted;

2.    That the recommendations received from the Overview & Scrutiny Committees in relation to Annexe 1 to the report be noted; and

3.    That the areas of focus for the year ahead be noted.


Reason: To reflect on the council’s progress against its key priorities and objectives contained in the Corporate Strategy 2020-2025, at the end of the first year.


[This matter is for noting and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]



The Leader presented the report and thanked the officers involved in compiling the report, which provided an update on the progress against the Corporate Strategy objectives in year 1.  It was noted that the economic and societal impacts of the pandemic were still unfolding and the threats of central Government cuts and there was uncertainty around the local government funding settlement.  The Leader thanked all Portfolio Holders for their work in driving performance in their individual areas.  It was noted that the Council’s Business Transformation Programme had been successful, however further business transformation savings would need to be identified including as part of the ongoing collaboration with Guildford Borough Council.  The Executive thanked the officers for their work during a difficult period and it was




1.    The report and progress made against the Corporate Strategy over the past twelve months be noted;

2.    That the recommendations received from the Overview & Scrutiny Committees in relation to Annexe 1 to the report be noted; and

3.    That the areas of focus for the year ahead be noted.