Issue - meetings

Carbon Neutrality Action Plan

Meeting: 08/02/2022 - Executive (Item 90)

90 Carbon Neutrality Action Plan Annual Update pdf icon PDF 496 KB

In December 2020 the Council adopted the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan (CNAP) 2020-2030 that contained a collection of actions that sets us on the path to deliver Waverley’s net zero carbon by 2030 target. This report provides the first annual progress update against the priority areas within the plan.




It is recommended that the Executive:


a.    Notes the progress made on the CNAP during 2021 attached in Annexe 1

b.    Endorses the content of the version 2022 of the CNAP as presented in Annexe 2


Additional documents:




a.    That the progress made on the CNAP during 2021 attached in Annexe 1 be noted.

b.    That the content of the version 2022 of the CNAP as presented in Annexe 2 be endorsed.


Reason: To ensure that the Executive is up to date with the council’s progress on its response to the Climate Emergency and to request support on the direction of travel over the next year.


[Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee]



Councillor Williams presented the report which set out the first full reporting year of the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan, which was an exceptional year due to the pandemic.  He thanked officers for their work on the plan, which was a live document taking into account changing technologies and noted the comments made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.    He welcomed the independent rating of the plan by Climate Emergency UK which place Waverley’s Plan 5th highest 2nd tier authority in the UK.  He welcomed the commitment of the Council to the climate change agenda.  The Leader thanked Cllr Williams and the officers for their work and welcomed the rating for the plan.


Councillor Mulliner spoke on the item and encouraged the updating of the table on page 450 with a figure adjusted to something more realistic; and a similar chart for the trajectory for council housing.  He also felt that there should have been mention of the COP26 summit in the document.


Councillor Seaborne echoed the comments made by Councillor Mulliner and asked for clarification on when there would be a trajectory that was based on data rather theory and the costs of retrofitting the council housing stock.  In response Councillor Williams advised that leisure centres were a significant contributor to carbon emissions and the Council was in the process of planning for a zero carbon leisure centre in Cranleigh; and that the Council was in the process of planning for the decarbonisation of its housing stock. 




a.    That the progress made on the CNAP during 2021 attached in Annexe 1 be noted.

b.    That the content of the version 2022 of the CNAP as presented in Annexe 2 be endorsed.


Reason: To ensure that the Executive is up to date with the council’s progress on its response to the Climate Emergency and to request support on the direction of travel over the next year.