Issue - meetings

Interim Report of the Service Level Agreement Working Group

Meeting: 22/06/2021 - Executive (Item 10)

10 Interim Report of the Service Level Agreement Working Group pdf icon PDF 193 KB

Report to follow.

Additional documents:




1.            the Executive ask its working group to ensure that its proposals reflect the principles and recommendations outlined in Annex 1; and


2.            the Council should retain a six-month notice period for informing not-for-profit partners of any changes to their Service Level Agreement.


[This matter has already been considered by the Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee.]



Councillor Mirylees introduced the report, which had been considered by the Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Chairman of the Committee, Councillor Deanus, presented the report which set out the interim report of the Overview and Scrutiny Service Level Agreement Working Group for endorsement and ask that the Executive Working Group on Service Level Agreements ensure that it’s proposals reflect the principles set out in the report.


Councillor Hyman spoke on this item, supporting the need for a review of the system although expressing some caution over some of the principles and how money is spent.  He also asked for clarification on what the corporate priority issue means for organisations.


The Leader thanked all the SLA organisations for their work throughout the pandemic and highlighted the need to review how resources are spent to ensure that vulnerable sections of the community are supported.  He advised that the recommendation were seeking support for a set of principles, and it would then be for the Executive Working Group to make recommendations on how to progress.


Councillor Mirylees thanked all the community organisations for their work during the pandemic, however emphasised that the current structures were not fit for purpose and this was a good opportunity to review where the areas of most need in the borough were and how resources could be best directed.


The Executive RESOLVED that


1.            the Executive ask its working group to ensure that its proposals reflect the principles and recommendations outlined in Annex 1; and


2.            the Council should retain a six-month notice period for informing not-for-profit partners of any changes to their Service Level Agreement.


Reason: To ensure that the Council’s funding mechanism and approach to not-for-profit organisations is fit for purpose in meeting the Council’s new corporate priorities and evidence-based community needs.