Issue - meetings

Council Tax exemption for young people leaving care

Meeting: 20/04/2021 - Council (Item 116)

116 Executive Minutes 30 March 2021 pdf icon PDF 226 KB

To receive the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 30 March 2021.


There is one Part I matter for Council consideration:


EXE 88/20 Council Tax exemption for young people leaving care [Annexe A, Page number 117]


Care leavers who are living independently for the first time find managing their own finances extremely challenging, due to issues such as limited family support. This can mean that care leavers may fall into debt and financial difficulty. The Executive recommends to Council a new Council Tax exemption that would ensure that Care Leavers within Waverley do not have to pay Council Tax up to the age of 25.




The Executive recommends to Council the creation of a new Council Tax exemption for Care Leavers to be applied until the age of 25.


There shall be no debate on any item contained in Part II of the Minutes, but Members may give notice in writing, by email, or by phone, by noon on the day of the meeting of a statement or question, and give details of any question.


Additional documents:


116.1   It was moved by the Leader, duly seconded and RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Executive held on 30 March 2021 be received and noted.


            There was one Part I matter for Council consideration.


116.2   In accordance with Procedure Rules, the following Members spoke on Part II matters:

            Cllr Hyman, on EXE 87/20, and EXE 91/20

            Cllr Cockburn, on EXE 93/20

Meeting: 30/03/2021 - Executive (Item 88)

88 Council Tax exemption for young people leaving care pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Request that the Executive considers and recommends to Council a new Council Tax exemption that would ensure that Care Leavers within Waverley do not have to pay Council Tax up to the age of 25.


Care leavers who are living independently for the first time find managing their own finances extremely challenging, due to issues such as limited family support. This can mean that care leavers may fall into debt and financial difficulty.




That the Executive recommend to Council the creation of a new Council Tax exemption for Care Leavers to be applied until the age of 25.


RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council the creation of a new Council Tax exemption for Care Leavers to be applied until the age of 25.


Reason: Waverley is keen to work jointly with Surrey Council to support care leavers to provide care leavers with the help they require in these challenging times. One of the ways we can support our Surrey Care Leavers as Corporate Parents as set out in the Children and Social Work Act 2017 is to exempt all Care Leavers from their Council Tax responsibilities.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]



88.1    Cllr Merryweather presented the proposal for Waverley to introduce a new Council Tax exemption category for young people leaving the care of the local authority, after being in care for a period of 13 weeks or more spanning their 16th birthday. Waverley was keen to work jointly with Surrey Council to support care leavers living independently for the first time. One of the ways in which the council could help support our Surrey Care Leavers as Corporate Parents as set out in the Children and Social Work Act 2017 was to exempt all Care Leavers from their Council Tax responsibilities.


88.2    The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council the creation of a new Council Tax exemption for Care Leavers to be applied until the age of 25.