Issue - meetings

Public Space Protection Order - Anti-Social Behaviour

Meeting: 20/04/2021 - Council (Item 111)

111 Public Space Protection Order No. 3 (Anti-social Behaviour) 2021 pdf icon PDF 429 KB

This report provides feedback from the consultation in respect of the draft Public Space Protection Order No.3 (Anti-social Behaviour) 2021 (PSPO) which ran from 1 March 2021 until 2 April 2021. Section 9 of the report and Annexe B detail and responds on the feedback from the consultation. Changes have been made to the draft Order where appropriate following that consultation feedback and the final draft of the Order is attached at Annexe C.

It recommends the Council approve the amended Order to assist in addressing anti-social behaviour issues which are having a significant detrimental impact on the community in some parts of the borough.




That Council approves and makes the Public Space Protection Order No.3 (Anti-social Behaviour) 2021 as set out in Annexe C to this report.  



Additional documents:


111.1   At the invitation of the Mayor, Cllr Nick Palmer, Portfolio Holder for Operational and Enforcement Services, introduced the proposed Public Space Protection Order to address anti-social behaviour issues that were having a significant detrimental impact on the community in some parts of the borough. Cllr Palmer thanked those who had responded to the public consultation, including Town and Parish councils. Their contributions had been considered carefully in framing the scope of the Order, which was a reasonable and proportionate response to the issues.


111.2   Before inviting speakers, the Mayor read the following representation received from the Clerk of Godalming Town Council:

I am writing on behalf of the Godalming Town Council PSPO Working Group to thank Waverley Borough Council Officers for engaging with the GTC Working Group in the recent consultation to produce the latest version of the PSPO. The Working Group also found working with Sgt Clair Sutherland of Surrey Police of great benefit and appreciated the time and effort she dedicated to the consultation process as one of the many interested parties.


Working together a practical and proportionate tool to tackle ASB in Godalming and the wider Waverley area was produced. The Working Group believe that the time and effort given by the many people involved was well worth it. The process benefitted from a variety of perspectives, which provided constructive input to this important document.


Additionally, the opportunity provided by WBC to consider the collective view and allow further positive additions to be made to the wording showed a strong desire to engage with stakeholders. At a time when there are so many unprecedented challenges - the social and economic recovery from COVID - 19 and climate change in particular, it is hoped that this approach can be adopted again to achieve the very best outcomes for the community.”


111.3   Cllr Follows echoed Godalming Town Council’s thanks to Waverley officers and Sgt Sutherland for their work. He also thanked the Godalming Town Council Working Group, all of whom had been ‘single-hatted’ Members avoid any conflicts of interest arising when the matter came before Waverley Borough Council. Cllr Follows also thanked Godalming residents for their patience as this PSPO had progressed through various stages, and he hoped that it would be supported by Waverley colleagues.


111.4   Cllrs Cosser, Cockburn, Gale and Penny Rivers all spoke in support of approving the PSPO although there were some reservations about whether there were the resources to enforce it; resources to address lack of investment in youth services; and the absence from the PSPO of some provisions sought by the Godalming Town Council Working Group. Cllr Follows advised that the Portfolio Holder, Head of Environment & Regulatory Services, and Sgt Sutherland had met with the Working Group members to discuss their submission, and it was understood that there were some requests that were not practicable to include. Overall, the PSPO was appropriate, and proportionate.


111.5   The Mayor put the vote to approve the PSPO No.3 (Anti-Social Behaviour) 2021, which was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 111