Issue - meetings

Award of CIL Funding

Meeting: 06/04/2021 - Executive (Item 100)

100 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Bidding Cycle 2020/2021 pdf icon PDF 354 KB

As per the approved CIL governance arrangements, the Executive is delegated to approve bids for allocation of Strategic CIL Funding, on the recommendation of the CIL Advisory Board, subject to an upper limit of £2.5m per individual award, above which approval reverts to Full Council.


This report seeks to gain approval from the Executive for the allocation of Strategic CIL funding to the projects recommended for funding by the CIL Advisory Board.




It is recommended that the Executive agree the recommendations of the CIL Advisory Board and approve the allocation of Strategic CIL funding to the projects as set out in this report subject to the completion of the final relevant checks and the signing of funding agreements, the detail of which is delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Enforcement Services.


RESOLVED to approve the allocation of Strategic CIL funding to the projects set out in the report, subject to the completion of the final relevant checks and the signing of funding agreements, the detail of which is delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Enforcement Services.


Reason: In order to ensure robust and effective expenditure in line with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) and in accordance with the Council’s approved CIL governance arrangements which include detailed eligibility and assessment criteria.




100.1  Cllr Nick Palmer, Portfolio Holder for Operational and Enforcement Services, introduced the report setting out the recommendations of the CIL Advisory Board in relation to bids received for funding from CIL receipts. All bids had been assessed by officers to ensure that they met the requirements for CIL, and agreed council criteria for bids. The cross-party CIL Advisory Board had then been carefully evaluated in order to reach the recommendations to the Executive.


100.2  As this was Waverley’s first CIL bidding cycle, the CIL Advisory Board would be meeting to review the process, and to set the timetable for the next bidding cycle.


100.3  Cllr Cockburn spoke as a Farnham Bourne ward councillor to express her disappointment that the bid for funding for the Bourne Pavilion had not been successful, and noted that she felt that the bid had not made clear that the intention had not been to request the full cost of replacing the pavilion, but only sufficient to renew the planning permission and address the disabled access.


100.    The Executive RESOLVED to approve the allocation of Strategic CIL funding to the projects set out in the report, subject to the completion of the final relevant checks and the signing of funding agreements, the detail of which is delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Enforcement Services.