Issue - meetings

Corporate Strategy 2020 - 2025

Meeting: 01/12/2020 - Executive (Item 60)

60 Revised Corporate Strategy 2020 - 2025 pdf icon PDF 156 KB

A review of the Corporate Strategy has been undertaken over the last six months and this report presents the outcome of the consultation process and the resulting Corporate Strategy for adoption.




It is recommended that the Executive recommend the Corporate Strategy, set out at Annexe 1, to Council for adoption at its 15 December Full Council meeting.


Additional documents:


The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council that the Revised Corporate Strategy, as amended, is adopted.


Reason: to adopt a revised Corporate Strategy taking into account the new challenges facing the Council over the next few years.


This matter is recommended to Full Council for decision and is not subject to call-in.



60.1    The Leader introduced the Revised Corporate Strategy 2020-2025. During the process of revising the Corporate Strategy, the drafts had been shared with Members at workshops, and had been to all the Overview & Scrutiny Committees twice. The Executive had listened to the feedback and amended the structure of the Strategy.


60.2    In response to the feedback from the most recent Overview & Scrutiny Committee meetings, Cllr Follows proposed a further amendment, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, which clarified the vision statement of the council. The Leader seconded the amendment, and the Executive RESOLVED to adopt it into the draft Revised Corporate Strategy 220-2025.


60.3    Cllr Follows recommended the draft Revised Corporate Strategy to Council as a strong basis on which the Council could move forward. It clearly demonstrated the council’s green credentials; support for those who are disadvantaged including the low paid; but also reflected the huge impact of the Covid pandemic on the council’s finances and changed priorities.


60.4    Cllr Seaborne spoke and whilst welcoming the amendment that had been agreed, he was not able to see how the feedback from the Overview & Scrutiny Committees had substantively shaped the final draft of the Strategy. Cllr Hyman spoke in support of the draft Strategy, which he felt was much improved compared to the earlier iterations. However, it was important for the council’s actions to live up to the words in the strategy, and he reiterated his previous comments about the need for the council to comply with environmental law.


60.5    Executive Members expressed their support for the Revised Corporate Strategy, which reflected the input of many Members and the shared priorities of the different Groups on the Council. The council was already implementing many of the actions including the economic development team who were working hard to support local businesses, and the countryside team who were managing open spaces that had been so greatly appreciated by residents during the lockdown. Cllr MacLeod specifically refuted the assertion that Waverley was losing planning appeals due to its approach on the Habitats Directive, and following Cllr Hyman’s approach would probably cost the council more appeals and costs.


60.6    The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council that the Revised Corporate Strategy 2020 - 2025, as amended, is adopted.