Issue - meetings

Dunsfold Park Garden Village Governance Arrangements

Meeting: 08/10/2019 - Executive (Item 24)

24 Dunsfold Park Garden Village - Waverley's Project Governance Arrangements pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To agree the Council’s internal governance arrangements to support the implementation and delivery of Dunsfold Park Garden Village (DPGV).




It is recommended that Executive agrees the implementation of the governance structure as set out in this report, and agrees the Councillor membership of the Waverley Strategic DPGV Governance Board and DPGV Advisory Group.


24.1    The Leader introduced the report proposing a governance structure for Waverley to support the development and delivery of Dunsfold Park Garden Village. This new settlement was a Strategic Site in Waverley’s Local Plan Part 1, with two policies – Policy SS7 and SS7A – providing a comprehensive framework for the development and delivery. A Planning Performance Agreement was now in place between the Council, Surrey County Council and Dunsfold Airport Ltd, the owners of the site.


24.2    The proposed governance structure, headed by a Strategic Governance Board, reflected recommended good practice established by other local authorities that were progressing large-scale developments.


24.3    The Executive RESOLVED to agree the implementation of the governance structure as set out in the report, and to delegate to the Leader the appointment of Members to the Waverley Strategic Dunsfold Park Garden Village Governance Board and the Dunsfold Park Garden Village Advisory Group.


Reason: The establishment of strategic governance arrangements within the Council is critical to the support, implementation, and overall success of the Garden Village project.