Issue - meetings

Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy

Meeting: 30/03/2021 - Executive (Item 93)

93 Electric Vehicle Strategy pdf icon PDF 358 KB

This report seeks the Executive’s adoption of the Electric Vehicle Strategy.




That the Executive adopt the attached Electric Vehicle Strategy.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to adopt the Electric Vehicle Strategy.


Reason: To contribute to the Council’s Carbon Neutrality Action Plan by encouraging the use of Electric Vehicles and working with partners to provide a network of charging points across the borough.


[This matter has already been considered by the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee.]



93.1    Cllr Williams introduced the Electric Vehicle Strategy in the context of the climate emergency, the council’s climate emergency declaration, and the need to reduce carbon emissions across Waverley, aiming for a net zero carbon target by 2030. Half of carbon emissions were due to petrol and diesel vehicles, so promoting a dramatic modal shift in methods of transport was imperative including enabling take-up of electric vehicles by expanding the network of electric vehicle charging points in order to anticipate and shape demand.


93.2    Cllr Cockburn, whilst recognising the importance of the climate emergency, was concerned about the council assuming responsibility for providing electric vehicle charging points. She was particularly concerned about the visual impact of electric charging stations being installed in car parks within the Farnham Conservation Area, and the policy being developed without talking to the local town and parish councils.


93.3    Executive Members endorsed the policy, and confirmed that town councils had been engaged in developing the proposals. It was noted however, that electric vehicles did have environmental challenges in relation to the manufacture and disposal of batteries, and the generation of electricity.


93.4    The Executive RESOLVED to adopt the Electric Vehicle Strategy.