Issue - meetings

HRA Financial Out-turn report 2018/19

Meeting: 09/07/2019 - Executive (Item 7)

7 HRA Financial Out-turn report 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

This report provides a summary of the 2018/19 financial outturn against budget for the  Housing Revenue Account.  The full Statement of Accounts will be presented for approval by the Audit Committee on  22 July 2019.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.            notes the outturn position on revenue 2018/19 in paragraph 2 of the report; and


2.            approves the HRA capital carry forwards to 2019/20 as detailed para 7 and 8 of the report.



7.1      The Executive received a report setting out the final position on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for the 2018/19 year. The HRA showed a surplus of £2.2m on a budget of £28m. Within the Core Capital programme, rescheduling of £183,805 was requested to fund works spanning two years. And, on the New Build and Stock Remodelling Reserve, £852,447 was proposed to be rescheduled to 2019/20.


7.2      Having considered the report the Executive


            RESOLVED to:


1.      note the outturn position on revenue 2018/19 in paragraph 2 of the report; and


2.      approve the HRA capital carry forwards to 2019/20 as detailed in paragraphs 7 and 8 of the report.


[Reason: to note the financial outturn for 2018/19 on the HRA, and address major budget variations.]