Issue - meetings

Funding bid for community facilities in Alfold

Meeting: 09/07/2019 - Executive (Item 8)

8 Funding bid - Alfold Sports & Social Club pdf icon PDF 57 KB

This report proposes to allocate funding from Waverley’s capital receipts towards a project to improve Alfold Sports & Social Club.




That the Executive agrees to support Alfold Sports & Social Club in their bid to improve facilities for the young and old of their community, releasing funding from the capital receipt that Waverley was paid for an easement on land in Alfold.



8.1      The Executive considered a proposal to allocate a total of £61,200 towards the improvement of community facilities in Alfold. The funding would be allocated from the capital receipt generated from granting of an easement across Waverly land in Alfold related to a new housing development.


8.2      Facilities at both Alfold Village Hall and the Alfold Sports & Social Club were well-used, but were in need of significant improvements that would greatly enhance their use and enjoyment by residents and community groups. The Alfold community had raised funds and would be contributing £12,500 to the overall cost of improvements.


8.3      The Executive thanked officers and councilors for their work in bringing this proposal forward, and


RESOLVED to allocate £61,200 from capital receipts for improvement of facilities at Alfold Sports & Social Club and at Alfold Village Hall.


[Reason: to support the improvement of community facilities from capital receipts generated through granting an easement over council land in Alfold.]