Issue - meetings

Corporate Debt and Income Policy

Meeting: 04/03/2019 - Audit & Risk Committee (Item 55)

55 Income and Debt Collection Policy pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To seek approval of a new Income and Debt Collection Policy which aims to achieve prompt collection of all sums of money owed to the council, whilst ensuring that a fair, proportionate and consistent approach is taken to the recovery of sums that are not paid when due.




It is recommended that the Audit Committee endorses the Income and Debt Collection Policy and recommends its adoption by Council.

Additional documents:


Peter Vickers introduced the Income and Debt Collection Policy to the Committee. The policy, attached at Annexe 3 to these minutes, had been developed following an in-depth review of all the income streams in the Council to assess current practices, deficiencies in processes and areas where improvements, especially with regard to utilising technology and new payment methods, could be made. The information gathered in this review had been used to develop a corporate wide policy on how the council should be collecting income and the recovery process should payment not be forthcoming.


Peter added that the policy would be particularly useful in situations where customers may have debts owing to different service areas, and would provide a priority system for pursuing debts.


The policy would apply to all services and all income streams. Regular monitoring of performance of income collection and debt recovery would be incorporated into the financial performance reporting process.


Graeme Clark highlighted that by endorsing this policy the Audit Committee would also be giving assurance to the council’s External Auditors that the Council was addressing the issue of debt on the Balance Sheet as identified in the External Audit Findings Report for 2017/18.


The Committee made several suggestions in relation the presentation and wording of the Policy. It was also suggested that the roles and responsibilities of the Corporate Debt and Income Officer be more clearly set out; further explanation be provided in relation to the recovery timetables; as well as including a reference to any data protection implications relating to the policy.


Members discussed the references to how customers, including vulnerable people, could get help and advice. It was felt that there didn’t need to be a distinction between the support available to all customers and that available to vulnerable customers, and that Citizens’ Advice should be signposted as an option for all customers seeking impartial advice. It was still useful, however, to identify which customers could be considered vulnerable. Officers agreed to review this section along with any references contained elsewhere in the policy.


Subject to the above comments, the Committee RESOLVED to endorse the policy and


RECOMMENDS to Council that


3.         the Income and Debt Collection Policy be adopted.