Issue - meetings

Surrey Hills AONB Management Plan

Meeting: 08/10/2019 - Executive (Item 25)

25 Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan 2020-2025 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

The adoption of an up to date AONB Management Plan is a statutory requirement for those local authorities that are covered by the AONB.  The current Management Plan is from 2014 to 2019.  This report recommends approval of the revised Surrey Hills AONB Management, 2020 – 2025, following a ‘light touch’ review. The Management Plan has been prepared by the Surrey Hills AONB Board on behalf of, and in collaboration with, the five Surrey Hills AONB districts and boroughs and Surrey County Council.




That the Surrey Hills AONB Management Plan 2020-2025 be adopted as the statutory AONB Management Plan for Waverley Borough Council.


Additional documents:


25.1     Cllr Andy MacLeod introduced the report and draft Surrey Hills AONB Management Plan 2020-2025, and recommended its adoption by the Council. The revised Management Plan was the result of a ‘light touch’ review by the Surrey Hills AONB Board on behalf of and in collaboration with the five Surrey Hills AONB districts and boroughs and Surrey County Council. It was a statutory requirement that these local authorities adopted an up-to-date AONB Management Plan.


25.2     Cllr Brian Adams noted that it wasn’t a Waverley document, but it was an important document that impacted the performance of the AONB. There were a number of areas that Cllr Adams had identified where the draft Management Plan lacked details including the definition of biodiversity net gain, density of development, community transport and improvement of transport infrastructure. Cllr MacLeod thanked Cllr Adams for his thoughtful comments, which Cllr Adams agreed to share the details of for ease of follow-up.


25.3     Cllr Jerry Hyman stated that he felt the draft Management Plan was a good document, but lacked strength in certain areas and he seconded the comments made by Cllr Adams. He urged the Executive to give the AONB proper protection.


25.4     The Executive RESOLVED to adopt the Surrey Hills AONB Management Plan 2020-2025 as the statutory AONB Management Plan for Waverley Borough Council.


Reason: To ensure that there is an up to date AONB Management Plan in place, in accordance with statutory requirements.