Issue - meetings

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Governance Arrangements

Meeting: 04/12/2018 - Executive (Item 54)

54 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Governance Arrangements pdf icon PDF 96 KB

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the proposed governance arrangements for the allocation and spending of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in Waverley.




That the Executive recommends to Council that:


1.      The governance arrangements for the allocation and spending of Strategic CIL receipts as set out in this report be approved.


2.      A CIL Advisory Board is established, as set out in paragraph 19.


3.      Strategic CIL receipts are held in a Strategic CIL Fund, to be allocated to infrastructure identified in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, in accordance with the Regulation 123 List.


4.      Delegated authority is given to the CIL Advisory Board to agree the detailed criteria for the spending of Strategic CIL receipts and any proposals for allocating proportions of the Strategic CIL Fund for specific purposes.


5.      Delegated authority is given to the Executive to approve Strategic CIL Fund spending, after consideration of the recommendations from the CIL Advisory Board.


54.1  Cllr Storey advised that following the Council’s adoption of the CIL Charging Schedule on 31 October, it was important to start preparing for its implementation from 1 March 2019. Whilst it was not expected that any significant CIL income would be received within the first year of operation, it was important to have in place the arrangements for allocating and spending CIL receipts.


54.2  The proposed CIL Advisory Board would comprise three Executive Members and four non-Executive Members, to ensure wide ownership of the arrangements.


54.3  The Executive RESOLVED to


          RECOMMEND to Council that:


          1.    The governance arrangements for the allocation and spending of Strategic CIL receipts as set out in this report be approved.


          2.    A CIL Advisory Board is established, as set out in paragraph 19.


          3.    Strategic CIL receipts are held in a Strategic CIL Fund, to be allocated to infrastructure identified in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, in accordance with the Regulation 123 List.


          4.    Delegated authority is given to the CIL Advisory Board to agree the detailed criteria for the spending of Strategic CIL receipts and any proposals for allocating proportions of the Strategic CIL Fund for specific purposes.


          5.    Delegated authority is given to the Executive to approve Strategic CIL Fund spending, after consideration of the recommendations from the CIL Advisory Board.


          [Reason: to establish arrangements for the allocation and spending of the Community Infrastructure Levy in Waverley.]