Issue - meetings

Playing Pitch Strategy

Meeting: 08/10/2018 - Executive (Item 38)

38 Playing Pitch Strategy pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To seek approval to adopt the new Playing Pitch Strategy 2018.


The evidence within the strategy will be used as a basis to seek developer contributions to contribute towards future sports facility improvements throughout the borough; including Council-owned facilities, areas that are leased out and those facilities managed by other providers such as Schools and Local Clubs.


The strategy provides the Council with a clear understanding of the overall picture of sports facility provision and the needs of the clubs and pitch providers in the borough.




That the Executive approves the Playing Pitch Strategy 2018, including the findings and action plan within it.


38.1  Cllr Hyman had registered to speak on this item, and the Leader invited him to make his statement. Cllr Hyman asked for clarification on a number of detailed points about the strategy for different types of playing pitch, and also how the Strategy would be used to support the policies in the Local Plan and securing contributions from developers for leisure facilities.


38.2  The Leader thanked Cllr Hyman for his comments and asked that, as they were so detailed, it would be best if he emailed them to Kelvin Mills, Head of Community Services and Major Projects, after the meeting so that a full response could be provided.


38.3  Cllr Deanus reported that the Playing Pitch Strategy was a very comprehensive and substantial document, that reflected the importance the Council placed on sport in support of the health and wellbeing of residents. Only the Executive Summary had been included in the Executive papers.


38.4  The Strategy provided an evidence-base that highlighted sports provision and demand and would support developer contributions for sports facility improvements around the borough through S106 agreements and CIL. It also dealt with maintenance, quality improvements and additional pitch provision to meet demand from development.


The Executive RESOLVED to approve the Playing Pitch Strategy 2018, including the findings and action plan within it.