Issue - meetings

Statement of Licensing Policy 2018 - 2023

Meeting: 10/07/2018 - Executive (Item 19)

19 Statement of Licensing Policy 2018 - 2023 pdf icon PDF 64 KB

The Licensing Act 2003 requires Waverley to have a Statement of Licensing Policy, and to keep this under review, at least every five years. The current Policy was last reviewed in January 2013 and requires updating to reflect changes in legislation and revised guidance.


The revised Statement of Licensing Policy has been subject to public consultation and consideration by the Licensing and Regulatory Committee, and is recommended for adoption by the Council.




That the Executive recommends to Council that the revised Statement of Licensing Policy for Waverley, 2018-2023 be adopted and implemented with effect from 1 August 2018.


Additional documents:


19.1    Cllr Bolton commended the revised Statement of Licensing Policy 2018-2023 to the Executive for endorsement to Council.


19.2    The Licensing Act 2003 required Waverley to have a Statement of Licensing Policy, and to keep this under review, at least every five years. The current Policy was last reviewed in January 2013 and required updating to reflect changes in legislation and revised guidance.


19.3    The Chairman of the Licensing Committee had confirmed that the revised Statement of Licensing Policy contained only minor revisions, and the Council continued to work closely with its partners to achieve its aims, including Surrey Police, Surrey Fire & Rescue, Environmental Health and Surrey Trading Standards. The Policy continued to promote all four of the key licensing objectives of preventing crime and disorder, public safety, preventing public nuisance, and protecting children from harm. 


19.4    The revised Statement of Licensing Policy had been subject to public consultation and consideration by the Licensing and Regulatory Committee, and was now recommended for adoption by the Council.


            The Executive RESOLVED to


            RECOMMEND to Council that the revised Statement of Licensing Policy for Waverley, 2018-2023 be adopted and implemented with effect from 1 August 2018.


            [Reason: to ensure that the Council has in place an up to date Statement of Licensing Policy.]