Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/01/2015 - Executive (Item 117)


A petition was submitted to the Council on 8 December 2014.  The prayer of the petition is as follows:-


1.      We the undersigned express our concern and objection to any closure and removal of the Park’s public toilets.


2.      The toilets should be maintained and managed to a good usable standard for the many wide ranging users of Godalming’s park.


The petition contains 1,601 valid signatures from residents of the Borough and the petition falls into the category of containing between 1,000 and 1,999 signatures.  In accordance with the Waverley petition scheme, the petition is considered at a meeting of the Executive. 




It is recommended that the Executive agrees a response to be sent to the petitioner, in light of the recent decision taken at the Council meeting on 9 December 2014.



The Executive received a petition expressing concern about the closure and maintenance of the public toilets in Broadwater Park, Godalming and agreed to send the following response to the petitioner:-


            “The matter was discussed at the Executive on 2 December and a decision taken by the Council meeting on 9 December 2014 to refurbish the toilets at Broadwater Park and for them to be maintained by an external contractor.  There was never any intention to close the facilities and thank you for submitting the petition.”


[It would not be appropriate to call in this item]


The Executive received a petition containing 1,601 valid signatures expressing concern about the closure and maintenance of the public toilets in Broadwater Park, Godalming and


RESOLVED that the following response be sent to the petitioner:-


            “The matter was discussed at the Executive on 2 December and a decision taken by the Council meeting on 9 December 2014 to refurbish the toilets at Broadwater Park and for them to be maintained by an external contractor.  There was never any intention to close the facilities and thank you for submitting the petition.”