Issue - meetings

Appointment to Employer's Negotiating Team 2018/2019

Meeting: 05/06/2018 - Executive (Item 10)

Appointment to Employer's Negotiating Team 2018/2019

To appoint the Members of the Employer’s Negotiating Team whose role is to conduct negotiations with the staff through the Waverley Joint Negotiating Committee for Pay and Conditions and all matters concerning local pay and conditions of service. The meetings of the Joint Negotiating Committee are usually held in November/December each year. The Employer’s Negotiating Team comprises 6 councillors and the proposed membership is as follows:


Cllr Julia Potts (Leader)                 

Cllr Ged Hall (Deputy Leader)

Cllr Kevin Deanus              

Cllr Jim Edwards

Cllr Michael Goodridge      

Cllr Peter Isherwood




It is recommended that the appointments to the Employer’s Negotiating Team for 2018/2019 be agreed.


The Executive RESOLVED to agree the membership of the Employer’s Negotiating Team for 2018/19 as follows:


Cllr Julia Potts (Leader)                      Cllr Ged Hall (Deputy Leader)

Cllr Kevin Deanus                               Cllr Jim Edwards

Cllr Michael Goodridge                       Cllr Peter Isherwood