Issue - meetings

Development Management Improvement Plan - Progress Update

Meeting: 10/04/2018 - Executive (Item 116)

116 Development Management Improvement Plan - Progress Update pdf icon PDF 71 KB

The purpose of the report is to provide Members with an update on completion of the actions set out in the Improvement Plan since it was agreed by the Executive in November 2018.  There are five broad objectives each associated with a number of related work streams.  Progress has been made on all actions with many completed.   Timescales are provided for likely completion of outstanding actions and explanatory comment provided.




It is recommended that the good progress being made on the improvement plan be noted.

Additional documents:


The Executive received an update report on completion of the actions set out in the Development Management Improvement Plan since it was agreed by the Executive in November 2018. Progress had been made on all actions with many completed. Timescales had been provided for the likely completion of outstanding actions and explanatory comment provided.


Cllr Hyman had given notice to speak in accordance with Procedure Rule 23, and asked if there would be training provided to officers and Members on Environmental Impact Assessments and the Habitat Regulations. The Leader responded that some training had already been provided and Cllr Hyman’s comments would be considered when further training was planned.


Cllr Storey advised the Executive that he was very pleased with the number of actions that had been completed or were on track. There had been some reservations about the development of a bespoke IT system, but this had been forced on the Council due to the lack of suitable systems generally available. The system would be ready to demonstrate shortly, and the Audit Committee would be invited to attend this in order to provide assurance about the system.


Cllr Martin endorsed the approach for procuring a suitable IT system and advised that the main risk was delay, rather than costs.


On the recommendation of the Planning Portfolio Holder, the Executive NOTED the good progress being made on the Development Management Improvement Plan.


[Reason: to review performance against actions set out in the Improvement Plan.]