Issue - meetings

Budget Management Report and Mid Year Review

Meeting: 28/11/2017 - Executive (Item 74)

74 Budget Management Report and Mid Year Review pdf icon PDF 89 KB

The report provides a mid-year review of the 2017/18 budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account against the forecast to 31 March 2018, based on the latest information available.




It is recommended that the Executive:

1.            notes the latest position against the budget in 2017/18;


2.            approves to earmark £50,000 of the one-off property income to the property income provision, as detailed in paragraph 6;


3.            approves a budget of £10,000 for economic initiatives to help support local businesses, as detailed in paragraph 9 and authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Front Line Services and the Portfolio Holder responsible for business support to agree how to allocate;


4.            approves the spending of the additional planning income by an increase of 20% on planning fees in 2017/18 on delivering the improvement plan, as detailed in paragraph 13;


5.            approves a virement of £20,000 from replacement of the property database system to some of the cost of the call management system, as detailed in paragraph 19;


6.            approves a virement of £12,000 from desktop and server upgrades to the scanning of the planning files, as detailed in paragraph 20;


7.            approves a virement for £40,000 from the Control and Management of Oak Processionary Moth and Ash Dieback and the repair works at Aarons Hill Skate Park to security measures in parks and recreation grounds, as detailed in paragraph 21;


8.            approves a short term bridging loan to the value of £50,000 to Dunsfold Parish Council to enable the early completion of the play facilities project included in Waverley’s Capital Programme, subject to a signed legal agreement, as detailed in paragraph 24;


9.            approves a virement of £1 million from the contingency on the high value asset levy to a earmarked reserve for potential cost with the introduction of Universal Credit, as detailed in paragraph  27;


10.         approves a virement of £10,000 for windows at Hillcroft, Haslemere from HRA core capital programme savings, as detailed in paragraph 30;


11.         recommends to Council to approve a virement of £100,000 into Aids and Adaptations from HRA core capital programme savings, as detailed in paragraph 32;


12.         recommends to Council to approve the rescheduling of £100,000 for Internal Remodelling works into 2018/19, as detailed in paragraph 33;


13.         approves a virement of £20,000 into the garage repairs project from HRA core capital programme savings, as detailed in paragraph 33;


14.         approves a virement of £30,000 from the Core Capital savings to Tree works, as detailed in paragraph 35; and


15.         recommends to Council to approve the rescheduling of £240,000 for Ockford Ridge Site A into 2018/19, as detailed in paragraph 40.



74.1    The Executive has considered the report providing a mid-year review of the 2017/18 budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account against the forecast to 31 march 2018, based on the latest information available. 


74.2    The Executive has RESOLVED that

1.            the latest position against the budget in 2017/18 be noted;


2.            £50,000 of the one-off property income be approved to the property income provision, as detailed in paragraph 6;


3.            a budget of £10,000 for economic initiatives to help support local businesses, as detailed in paragraph 9 and authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Front Line Services and the Portfolio Holder responsible for business support to agree how to allocate;


4.            the spending of the additional planning income by an increase of 20% on planning fees in 2017/18 on delivering the improvement plan be approved, as detailed in paragraph 13;


5.            a virement of £20,000 from replacement of the property database system to some of the cost of the call management system be approved, as detailed in paragraph 19;


6.            a virement of £12,000 from desktop and server upgrades to the scanning of the planning files be approved, as detailed in paragraph 20;


7.            a virement for £40,000 from the Control and Management of Oak Processionary Moth and Ash Dieback and the repair works at Aarons Hill Skate Park to security measures in parks and recreation grounds be approved, as detailed in paragraph 21;


8.            a short-term bridging loan to the value of £50,000 be made to Dunsfold Parish Council to enable the early completion of the play facilities project included in Waverley’s Capital Programme, subject to a signed legal agreement, as detailed in paragraph 24;


9.            a virement of £1 million from the contingency on the high value asset levy to an earmarked reserve for potential cost with the introduction of Universal Credit be approved, as detailed in paragraph 27;

10.       a virement of £10,000 be approved for windows at Hillcroft, Haslemere from HRA core capital programme savings, as detailed in paragraph 30;

11.       a virement of £20,000 into the garage repairs project from HRA core capital programme savings be approved, as detailed in paragraph 33;  and

12.       a virement of £30,000 from the Core Capital savings to Tree works be approved, as detailed in paragraph 35.


74.3    This financial year, the workstream of aids and adaptations has been under alot of demand pressure.  To date the full £200,000 budget has been committed and demand remains high. It is requested that a further budget of £100,000 budget be approved, to be vired from savings on the core capital programme.


74.4    An internal remodelling pilot scheme is underway which will spend £40,000 of the £140,000 budget relating to structural and damp works.  The remaining will not be spent this financial year and therefore it is requested that £100,000 is carried forward to continue works in 2018/19.


74.5    The revised HRA New Build capital programme budget for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74