Issue - meetings

Performance Management Exception Report

Meeting: 06/01/2015 - Executive (Item 126)

126 Performance Management Exception Report - Quarter 2 (July - Sept) 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Waverley’s Performance Management Framework (PMF) contains a number of indicators that assist Members and officers in identifying current improvement priorities and progress against targets.


The indicators in Waverley’s PMF are reviewed quarterly by the Executive.  This report details performance, at Annexe 1, for the three-month period 1 July – 30 September 2014.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committees and their respective sub-committees have considered the full list of indicators. Their comments on the indicators in this report and their recommendations are included in the report.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         notes the performance figures for Quarter 2 2014/15 (July - September 2014) as set out at Annexe 1;


2.         thanks the Overview & Scrutiny Committees for their observations regarding the Quarter 2 performance and considers their recommendations, as follows:-


a.         for indicator NI 195 – levels of litter, detritus, graffiti and fly-posting, the target should be increased to 90%;


b.         for indicator LPL 3b – percentage of enforcement cases actioned within 12 weeks of receipt, the target should be increased to 80%; and


c.         for indicator LI8 – average annual rate of return on Council Investments above market rates, the target be revised in the 2015/16 Treasury Management Strategy to reflect performance against currently achievable levels of interest available on the market.



Additional documents:


The Executive agreed to


1.         note the performance figures for Quarter 2 2014/15 (July – September 2014) as set out at Annexe 1; and


2.         thank the Overview & Scrutiny Committees for their observations regarding the Quarter 2 performance and agree their recommendations, as follows:-


a.         for indicator NI 195 – levels of litter, detritus, graffiti and fly-posting, the target should be increased to 90%;


b.         for indicator LPL 3b – percentage of enforcement cases actioned within 12 weeks of receipt, the target should be increased to 80%; and


c.         for indicator LI8 – average annual rate of return on Council Investments above market rates, the target be revised in the 2015/16 Treasury Management Strategy to reflect performance against currently achievable levels of interest available on the market.


[Both Overview and Scrutiny Committees have already considered this item but it could be called-in]


[Reason: to consider the performance management information for Quarter 2 and make any changes as necessary]




1.         the performance figures for Quarter 2 2014/15 (July – September 2014) be noted, as set out at Annexe 1 of the agenda report; and


2.         the Overview & Scrutiny Committees be thanked for their observations regarding the Quarter 2 performance and their recommendations agreed, as follows:-


a.         for indicator NI 195 – levels of litter, detritus, graffiti and fly-posting, the target should be increased to 90%;


b.         for indicator LPL 3b – percentage of enforcement cases actioned within 12 weeks of receipt, the target should be increased to 80%; and


c.         for indicator LI8 – average annual rate of return on Council Investments above market rates, the target be revised in the 2015/16 Treasury Management Strategy to reflect performance against currently achievable levels of interest available on the market.


[Reason: to consider the performance management information for Quarter 2 and make any changes as necessary]