Issue - meetings

Applications for Planning Permission

Meeting: 15/02/2017 - Joint Planning Committee (Item 87)

87 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2016/1625 - Land South of High Street between Alfold Road and Knowle Lane, Cranleigh pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Application under Section 73 to vary Conditions 18, 21 and 22 of WA/2014/0912 (pre-commencement conditions) to allow alternative wording to include a phased proposal of the development. This application is accompanied by a Statement of Conformity to the Environmental Statement (as amplified by Statement of Conformity received 20/12/2016)



That, having regard to the Environmental information contained within the application, the accompanying Environmental Statement and responses to it, and compliance with the completed Section 106 agreement under WA/2014/0912, and subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED

Additional documents:


Proposed development

Application under Section 73 to vary Conditions 18, 21 and 22 of WA/2014/0912 (pre-commencement conditions) to allow alternative wording to include a phased proposal of the development. This application is accompanied by a Statement of Conformity to the Environmental Statement (as amplified by Statement of Conformity received 20/12/2016) at Land South of High Street between Alfold Road and Knowle Lane,  Cranleigh


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the proposed development, including site plans and an indicative layout and street scene, and the determining issues. The Committee was reminded that outline permission had been granted under WA/2014/0912 which established the principle of development on the site. The test for Members was whether there had been any material changes in circumstance that justified taking a different view on the application.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Richard Bryant – Cranleigh Parish Council


The Committee considered the officers report and presentation, the representations from the Objectors and the information in support by the agent/applicant and discussed the application.


The Committee noted that the application concerned the re-wording of three conditions imposed on the outline permission. The planning considerations had been reviewed for these three matters taking into account the Emerging Local Plan and the current position with regard to the 5 year housing land supply.


Some Members of the Committee reiterated their concerns about the application which had been previously considered in January 2015 and refused at that time. The application had subsequently been allowed on appeal in March 2016. Officers considered that the amended wording would not cause material harm and there would be no adverse impacts of the re-worded conditions that would outweigh the benefits of the scheme, when assessed against the NPPF taken as a whole. 


Following further discussion, the Committee then moved to the vote on the recommendation and it was voted 14 in favour, 7 against and  there was 1 abstention.




RESOLVED that having regard to the Environmental information contained within the application, the accompanying Environmental Statement and responses to it, and compliance with the completed Section 106 agreement under WA/2014/0912, and subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED.