Issue - meetings

Budget Management Report

Meeting: 07/02/2017 - Executive (Item 135)

135 Budget Management Report pdf icon PDF 196 KB

The report provides a review of the 2016/17 budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account against forecast to 31 March 2017, based on the latest information available. 



It is recommended that the Executive notes the report and


1.            approves the appointment of a temporary support for the Garden Waste team, and approves the carry forward of savings achieved in the 2016/17 financial year to fund the appointment in 2017/18, as set out in paragraph 4 (iii);


2.            approves the extension of the Emergency Planning and Projects Assistant post until 31March 2018, as set out in paragraph 4 (IV) from the General Fund forecast underspend;


3.            approves £10,000 from the projected underspend to bring forward the budget growth item to review the options for the future of the building control service as set out in paragraph 5;


4.            approves £50,000 of the underspend in 2016/17 to be transferred to an earmarked reserve for commercial property voids as set out in paragraph 12, subject to sufficient underspend being available at the year end;


5.            recommends to Council to approve the rescheduling of £1,000,000 for Wey Court into 2017/18, as set out in paragraph 22;


6.            recommends to Council to approve the rescheduling of £1,000,000 for Nursery Hill into 2017/18, as set out in paragraph 23;and


7.            recommends to Council to approve the rescheduling of £360,965 for Chilton Close, Alfold into 2017/18, as set out in paragraph 24.



135.1  The Executive considered and noted the report reviewing the 2016/17 budget for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account against the forecast to 31 March 2017 and


RESOLVED  to approve


1.            the appointment of a temporary support for the Garden Waste team, and approved the carry forward of savings achieved in the 2016/17 financial year to fund the appointment in 2017/18, as set out in paragraph 4 (iii);


2.            the extension of the Emergency Planning and Projects Assistant post until 31March 2018, as set out in paragraph 4 (iv) from the General Fund forecast underspend;


3.            £10,000 from the projected underspend to bring forward the budget growth item to review the options for the future of the building control service as set out in paragraph 5; and


4.            £50,000 of the underspend in 2016/17 to be transferred to an earmarked reserve for commercial property voids as set out in paragraph 12, subject to sufficient underspend being available at the year end.


135.2  The New Build capital programme approved budget for 2016/17 is made up as follows:



135.3  Works at Wey Court are underway and progressing, however it is expected that a proportion of the project spend will be incurred in the next financial year. It is therefore requested that £1,000,000 is moved into 2017/18 to enable the completion of these works.


135.4  Due to a longer than expected tendering process for the Nursery Hill project, the works will not have progressed as far as estimated earlier in the year.  Therefore it is requested that £1,000,000 is rescheduled into 2017/18.


135.5  The Chilton Close, Alfold project is currently on hold. This is due to planning considerations and other site considerations. It is therefore requested that this budget of £360,695 is rescheduled into the next financial year.


135.6  The Executive therefore




113.    the rescheduling of £1,000,000 for Wey Court into 2017/18 be approved, as set out above;


114.    the rescheduling of £1,000,000 for Nursery Hill into 2017/18 be approved, as set out above; and


115.    the rescheduling of £360,965 for Chilton Close, Alfold into 2017/18 be approved, as set out above.


[Reason: to provide a review of the 2016/17 budget based on the latest information available]