Issue - meetings

Applications for Planning Permission

Meeting: 14/12/2016 - Joint Planning Committee (Item 78)

78 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2015/2395 - Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill, Cranleigh pdf icon PDF 6 MB


Hybrid Planning Application; Part Outline proposal for a new settlement with residential development comprising 1,800 units (Use Class C3), plus 7,500sqm care accommodation (Use Class C2); a local centre to comprise retail, financial and professional, cafes/restaurant/takeaway and/or public house up to a total of 2,150sqm (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5); new business uses including offices, and research and development industry (Use Class B1a and B1b) up to a maximum of 3,700sqm; light and general industry (Use Class B1c and B2) up to a maximum of 7,500sqm; storage and distribution (Use Class B8) up to a maximum of 11,000sqm; a further 9,966sqm of flexible commercial space (B1(b), B21(c), B2 and/or B8); non-residential institutions including health centre, relocation of existing Jigsaw School into new premises and provision of new community centre (Use Class D1) up to a maximum of 9,750sqm; a two-form entry Primary School; open space including water bodies, outdoor sports, recreational facilities, canal basin and nature conservation areas; public transport routes, footpaths and cycleways; landscaping; the removal of three runways; all related infrastructure including roads, car and cycle parking, energy plant and associated equipment, water supply, telecommunications, drainage systems and waste water treatment facilities;


Part Full application for the demolition of 8,029sqm of existing buildings and the retention of 36,692sqm of existing buildings, for their future use for a specified purpose as defined by the Use Classes as specified in the schedule of buildings and their uses; and the temporary use of Building 132 for a construction headquarters. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement (as amended by information and plans received 01/09/2016).




Recommendation A:

That, having regard to the environmental information contained in the application, the accompanying Environmental Statement (and addendum), together with proposals for mitigation, subject to the applicant entering into an appropriate legal agreement, within 6 months of the date of the committee resolution to grant planning permission, to secure the provision of/contributions towards: 30% on site affordable housing and market housing mix; education infrastructure, provision of canal basin, SuDS and Foul Water management/maintenance, on site health centre/surgery,  public open space provision and maintenance (including sports pitches, pavilion, public art and open space), cycleways, public access, off site highways improvements, travel plan, bus service provision, Community Trust, subject to conditions and subject to referral to the Secretary of State and no receipt of a direction calling-in the application, permission be GRANTED


Recommendation B:

That, in the event that the requirements of Recommendation A are not met, permission be REFUSED

Additional documents:


Proposed development


Hybrid Planning Application;  Part Outline proposal with all matters reserved for a new settlement with residential development comprising: 1,800 units, 7,500 sqm care accommodation; a local centre to comprise retail,  financial and professional,  cafes/restaurant/takeaway and/or public house up to a total of 2,150 sqm; New business uses including offices, and research and development industry up to a maximum of 3,700 sqm; light and general industry up to a maximum of 7,500 sqm; storage and distribution up to a maximum of 11,000 sqm; a further 9,966 sqm of flexible commercial space; Non-residential institutions including health centre, relocation of existing Jigsaw School into new premises and provision of new community centre up to a maximum of 9,750 sqm; a two-form entry Primary School; Open space including water bodies, outdoor sports, recreational facilities, canal basin and nature conservation areas; public transport routes, footpaths and cycleways; landscaping; the removal of three runways; all related infrastructure including roads, car and cycle parking, energy plant and associated equipment, water supply, telecommunications, drainage systems and waste water treatment facilities;


Part Full application for the demolition of 8,029 sqm of existing buildings and the retention of 36,692 sqm of existing buildings, for their future use for a specified purpose as defined by the Use Classes as specified in the schedule of buildings and their uses; and the temporary use of Building 132 for a construction headquarters.


As amended by addendum documents (site wide travel plan, transport assessment), Environmental Statement addendum (updates include flood risk, access traffic and transport, air quality and odour, noise and vibration) and amplified by additional information on retail impact, sustainability assessment, water strategy, responses to third party comments, housing position statement with indicative housing mix, amended Drainage Strategy, Natural England Memo and  Risk assessment for treated sewage disposal.


This application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement (and addendum) at  Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill,  Cranleigh”


Elizabeth Sims, Head of Planning, introduced the planning application by setting out the context and background against which the application should be considered:


This was clearly  a very significant development. Reflecting this, the application had been under consideration for about a year and had been subject to extensive assessment, consultation and negotiation. Officers recognised that there had been a huge amount of interest in the scheme from a wide variety of individuals and bodies. Officers had carefully and properly considered all consultation responses and representations and taken them into account in drawing conclusions.


This was a hybrid application for a mixed use new settlement, capturing the fact that the application was mostly in outline form, but partly in detailed form. The outline element of the scheme was essentially for the main part of the new settlement, covering the aerodrome. Importantly, all matters would be reserved. The outline part was seeking to establish the principle  of development as proposed on the site. The key question for Members, in relation to the outline element, was whether they were satisfied that the application had demonstrated that the settlement  ...  view the full minutes text for item 78