Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming
Contact: Amy McNulty Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairman To confirm that Cllr David Else be appointed as the Chairman of the Eastern Area Planning Committee for the Council year 2017/18. Minutes: RESOLVED that Cllr David Else be appointed at the Chairman of the Eastern Area Planning Committee for the Council year 2017/18. |
Appointment of Vice Chairman To confirm that Cllr Maurice Byham be appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Eastern Area Planning Committee for the Council year 2017/18. Minutes: RESOLVED that Cllr Maurice Byham be appointed at the Vice Chairman of the Eastern Area Planning Committee for the Council year 2017/18. |
Minutes To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 April 2017 (to be laid on the table half an hour before the meeting). Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 April 2017 were confirmed and signed. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mike Band, Mary Foryszewski, Jeanette Stennett and Stewart Stennett. |
Declarations of Interests To receive from Members declarations of interests in relation to any items included on the Agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Waverley Code of Local Government Conduct. Minutes: Cllr John Gray declared a non-pecuniary interest in Items B1 and B2 as he was a member of Dunsfold Parish Council.
Cllr Liz Townsend declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item A1 as she was a member of Cranleigh Parish Council Planning Committee. |
Questions by Members of the Public The Chairman to respond to any questions received from members of the public in accordance with Procedure Rule 10. Minutes: There were none. |
Any Relevant Updates to Government Guidance or Legislation Since the Last Meeting Officers to update the Committee on any changes to the planning environment of which they should be aware when making decisions. Minutes: Peter Cleveland, Development Control Manager provided the Committee with an update on recent planning legislation.
The Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017 introduced new provisions relating to the processing of Neighbourhood Plans. Section 14 of the Act also introduced restrictions on pre-commencement conditions on planning applications which would now require agreement from the applicant before being imposed. Section 15 of the Act provided for amendments to permitted development rights on some drinking establishments, but only those within the A4 use class.
The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations had been revised and would come into effect on 16 May 2017. Peter Cleveland agreed to circulate a summary of the changes to all members of the Committee.
Peter Cleveland also advised that the council now had an adequate housing land supply, with a 5% buffer which had been confirmed by the Local Plan Inspector. This overruled the previous Inspector’s view that a 20% buffer was required. |
To consider an objection to the making of a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) and to determine whether the Order should be confirmed, with or without modification.
It is recommended that the Tree Preservation Order 01/2017 applying to trees and woodland on land between Alfold Road and Knowle Lane, Cranleigh be confirmed without modification. Minutes: RESOLVED that the Tree Preservation Order 01/2017 applying to trees and woodland on land between Alfold Road and Knowle Lane, Cranleigh be confirmed without modification. |
Applications for Planning Permission PDF 86 KB Background Papers
Background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act relating to reports are listed under the “Representations” heading for each planning application presented, or may be individually identified under a heading “Background Papers”.
The implications for crime, disorder and community safety have been appraised in the following applications but it is not considered that any consideration of that type arises unless it is specifically referred to in a particular report. Minutes: RESOLVED that the applications for planning permission be determined as set out below. |
Item A1, WA/2017/0316 - Land to the Rear of 135 Horsham Road, Cranleigh PDF 922 KB Proposal
Erection of a dwelling.
That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED. Additional documents: Minutes: Proposal
Erection of a dwelling.
RESOLVED that permission REFUSED for the following reasons:
Public speaking
In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:
Mr Warburton – Objector Cllr Burbridge – Parish Council Mr McLeod – Agent |
Item B1, WA/2017/0591 - 6 Blacknest Cottages, Chiddingfold Road, Dunsfold PDF 559 KB Proposal
Erection of rear extensions and alterations; erection of front porch (as amended by plans received 2/05/2017).
That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED. Minutes: Proposal
Erection of rear extensions and alterations; erection of front porch (as amended by plans received 2/05/2017).
RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED subject to conditions 1 – 3 set out in the agenda, additional condition requiring the submission of a construction management plan, as well as informative 1 set out in the agenda, informative 2 set out on the update sheet and additional informative directing the applicant to the ‘Construction Code of Practice for small developments in Waverley’. |
Item B2, WA/2017/0615 - 4 Blacknest Cottages, Chiddingfold Road, Dunsfold PDF 380 KB Proposal
Erection of single storey side extension following demolition of existing car port.
That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED. Minutes: Proposal
Erection of single storey side extension following demolition of existing car port.
RESOLVED that permission be REFUSED for the following reason.
1. The proposed extension, by reason of its bulk, design, scale, siting and appearance would result in harm to the character and appearance of the existing dwelling and the countryside. The proposal would therefore conflict with Policies D1, D4, C2 and RD2 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002, Policies TD1 and RE1 of the Draft Local Plan Part 1 and Paragraph 17 of the NPPF. |